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May 10
Jakes POV
We made it to LA for the first and right now we are on the haunt for a place. I'm not really a guy that would want to stay on campus but a apartment close enough is good. We pull up to a place and head in. We meet up with the owner and he brings us up to the top floor

K- it's a two bedroom apartment

Kyle brings us around the place

K- the master has a bathroom in it and then the guest bedroom has the bathroom right across from it.


After a long day of looking for a place we finally chose one. We chose the first one just because it was the nicest and pretty cheap. I will be looking for a roommate maybe a guy from the football team. But anyways we went to go back to the first apartment to rent it out so no one else could take it. Now we are back at our hotel room just chilling out

G- I was thinking at the beginning of July we could bring everything here. Me in my truck and you in your car so then you can bring Erika if you want. You guys could spend summer here and I'll leave after a couple days and then sometime in august you both come back and then you leave before school
J- that's a good idea but only if angel allows her to come because she's been on some weird stuff  lately
G- don't say that Jake
J- but it's true
G- don't say that in front of erika
J- I already have
G- and what did erika do
J- laughed and agreed
G- you guys *chuckles* kill me
J- it's David that's doing it to angel


We got home tonight but no one knows. We were in LA for 5 days and it was so much fun looking for places and then going to Cali college. We met the juniors and seniors that are on the team and the coaches were really nice.

G- Jake we gotta go now

I grab my bag and get in the truck with my dad.
He drives me to erikas as he heads off to work for the night shift. I get up to the door and I get a text so I pull my phone out and see who it is

E- Night Jake love you
J- wait
E- ?

I knock on the door and after a couple minutes the door opens. Erikas face lights up and she jumps in my arms

E- oh my god you told me you weren't coming home till tomorrow
J- first surprise?

I put her down

E- how was it
J- great it's so beautiful there
E- did you get a place
J- yea it's so nice. I'm right on the top floor in the corner so it's mostly made out of glass.
E- really
J- yeah

She grab my hand and brings me inside. We get upstairs into her room and I put my bag on her bed. She stands beside me and I unzip it. I pull out a bear and give it to her

E- for me?
J- *smiles* yeah

She grabs the bear and then me.

E- thank you bubba
J- your welcome

I put the bag on the floor and pick erika up. I put her down on the bed. I kiss her check before putting my head in her neck.

J- do you want to come to LA with me in the summer
E- are you serious
J- yea
E- don't lie to me
J- I'm not
E- when
J- beginning of July
E- I thought you were just going the last week of august
J- yea but now we are going in the beginning of and then coming back the last week
E- and you want me to come?
J- yeah so will you
E- I guess

I kiss her cheek before I connect my lips to hers. I position myself more on top as I take her shirt off. My hand trails in her side as the other one holds me up. Her cold hands touch my stomach which sends shivers down my body. I sit up and take my shirt off. I go back down to her but soon after Erika pushes me over and gets on top. She goes to my neck and my head goes back. My hands grab her sides

J- baby

I feel erika moving to different spots. She then trails to my lips. Everything slows down and then we both stop. After a bit Erika didn't move or talk so I'm guessing she fell asleep but I don't blame her it's almost 2am. I'm glad that I'm home just because I get to spend my time here at home before going to Los Angeles for at least four years ago and not seeing anyone. It's gonna be hard leaving this place especially Erika. It's not just hard for her it's hard for me too, people think because I'm leaving or I'm always calming her down about the situation that she is gonna have it worse but in reality its both of us. I don't want to leave but it's what has to happen and now she understands after having a lot of conversation in the past couple weeks. Now everything just needs to fall into place and we should be good from now in.

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