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Jakes POV
I walk into school at 3rd since I was in so much pain with my cast on. I put my bag away and head to the office to go get a late slip. The principal walks it of his office and they hand me my late slip

P- jake what happened
J- football
P- you just found out now
J- like I couple days ago

I finish talking to him and I head to class. I give the teacher the slip and sit with boys

C- it's sling boy
J- shut up
C- what even happened
J- I punched a locker instead of Lucas' face
C- nice

The teacher tells us to be quite and starts to talk about the lesson


J- I'll see you later

I dap up Troy and go to erika. I make my way to her and put my left arm around her waist.

J- hey bubs

I feel her hand go in top of mine and I kiss her neck.

J- you're looking good

She turns around with a smile on her face

E- how are you

She pulls me closer

J- I'm fine
E- why didn't you tell me last night I would have came
J- I got home late
E- I was still up
J- I know you FaceTimed me

She grabs my hand and I change the topic

J- you wanna come over tonight

I press my body onto hers.

E- maybe
J- I'll pick you up
E- with one arm
J- how do you think I got here

She looks past me

J- what's up
J- Erika
E- yeah

I turn around and see Taylor and her friends

J- we are going shopping after school

She looks back to me

E- what do you need
J- nothing
E- than why are we going
J- for you
E- I don't-
J- I'll see you later

I give her a kiss then just walk off.

L- what happened to the baby
J- stuff
L- saw Erika yesterday
J- okay and?
L- she went to troys house
J- yeah?
L- yeah
J- Troy was at work last night

I head into the cafe and sit with the guys. They all ask what happened and I just said football.

After school

I head into my room and drop my bag off. I grab a beanie and head out. I drive to Erikas and knock. Angel opens the door and I end up telling her what happened.

An- Erika said she will be a little late coming home but you can head up
J- thanks

I head up to her room and lay on her bed. After a bit I hear her voice and her door opens. She shuts it

E- what's up
J- we are going shopping
E- but I don't want too
J- I don't care we are going

we head out to the mall after fighting with Erika for a bit. I took my sling off in the car so it's easier. We walk into the ball and I grab Erika's hand. I bring her into a store that I've seen her go into before.

J- babe you need more of those high waisted jeans

I walk us to the section and I stand behind her

J- get whatever you want
E- Jake I'm not getting anything
J- fine I'll pick out things for you

I fold her pants back and look at the size. I then go in the rack and look for jeans. I grab a high waisted jean and a skinny jean. I grab her hand and bring her to a dressing room. I hand them to her and shut the door. I sit on the bench in front and wait for her. It opens up and Erika stands there in the skinny jeans

J- *smiles* bubs you look good

I get up and grab her waist. I look in the mirror behind her and look at her ass.

J- put the other ones on

I sit back down and wait for her. She comes back out

J- see I like those

She ends up changing back and I grab the jeans. I go pay for them and I give Erika the bag. We head out to another store

J- let's go to Gucci
E- were not going to Gucci

Just an FYI I had a job for four years and I just quit in the summer because it was getting to much. I bring her into Gucci and then I buy her belt.

E- Jake why are you doing this
J- I just want to. Look there's Victoria secret

I drag her in there and I pick out a couple things


We get to Erikas and head upstairs. I drop her bags on her bed. She pulls me into the tightest hug

E- I love you Jake but why
J- because you're my girlfriend
E- that's not a good reason
J- because I love you too much to not care

I kiss her forehead and we pull back.

J- will you try everything on...for me
E- *sighs* fine

She grabs the bags and head into her closet

J- I promise that I'll say the truth and the truth only.

She comes out with the high waisted jeans and a tank top

J- *smiles* baby

I quickly stand up and go behind her.

J- you look hot

I put my hands on her sides. After a couple minutes she goes back in

30 minutes later

J- is this the last one
E- yeah

She comes out with the skinny jeans and another tank top

J- Erika these jeans
E- what's wrong
J- they are fucking amazing

I see her face go red. I push myself into her

J- this is my favourite
E- really?
J- yeah you got the body for it

I slide my hands up and down her sides

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