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Jakes POV
I get on the bed and pull Erika on top of me. We smash our lips together and my hands go to her back. She goes to my neck and I twist the sheets in my hands.

J- rik

I feel her move to a different spot. Then she sits on my torso and pulls her shirt off. I put my hands on her sides and she comes down to my lips.

J- baby

She taps my side which means so me to go On top. I flip us over and take my shirt off. I go to her lips and push her hips down. A soft moan comes from her

J- shhh


Me and Erika are watching a movie

J- dude if he goes in there

The guy goes in the house

E- he went in

I play with her hands

J- he's gonna die
E- I feel like he's gonna live and the girl will go in and die

What erikas says happens

J- nice bubba

She looks up to me and smiles. After a while erikas grip loosens and that means she fell asleep. I hold her and flip her on her back. I slip down and shut the tv off. I lay beside her with my arm around her.

Saturday night

I bring Erika back home after our dinner. I go down and slowly kiss her

E- can you come in for 5 minutes
J- if I come in it's gonna be longer
E- please
J- *sighs* go

I put my hand on her back and we go inside. It's pretty late so angel and Dani are probably in bed. We make it up to erikas room and she shuts the door. She starts un button my shirt

J- Erika
E- shh

My shirt hangs wide open.

J- Erika we did this yesterday
E- can't we just have fun but not go all the way
J- no because it's gonna start as just making out but then we are gonna end up having sex
E- the one time I want to do something like this you always say no
J- I do not
E- yeah you do
J- I usually say yes
E- it's always okay when you wanna do it
J- you want to too
E- not always
J- then why don't you say something
E- because you're always so happy after
J- well you have to be happy too
E- I always think of you before I think of myself
J- so yesterday you weren't happy

I scratch the back of my neck

E- no I was it was our anniversary
J- then all the other times you weren't
E- some I was
J- Erika

I sit on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands.

E- Jake it's fine

I feel her stand in front of me

J- Erika it's not fine

She takes my hands away from my face and puts them around her. She grabs each side of my face and lifts it up to her

E- don't you think if it wasn't fine I wouldn't be here

She comes down and gives me the softest kiss ever.

J- I guess
E- you know I'm right
J- *sighs* you are
E- go home and I'll see you Monday
J- okay
E- I love you
J- I love you too

I stand up and give her a hug.

J- I love you
E- *Smiles* I love you too jake

I give her a kiss before I head out and go home. I lay on my bed thinking about Erika. I feel like absolute shit. I think about myself more than her in those situations. I grab my phone and go through snapchat stories. My door opens and I look up

J- what's up
G- where did you go all dressed up
J- I went out with Erika
G- just wanted to let you know I was home
J- you home tomorrow
G- yeah. Get some sleep it's getting late
J- I will night
G- night

He shuts my door and I get. I go in the mirror and my shirt hangs open. I look at the hickeys on my neck and my collar bone. I run my fingers over top of them And then I instantly feel bad again. I go in the bathroom and take my shower. Once I get out I throw some joggers over top of my boxers. I look down to my right hand and it's gotten way worse. It's really swollen and you still can't see my bone. Should I tell my dad he would probably know what to do since he is a paramedic. I will tell him after football because then I won't be able to play. I go out and jump on my bed. I text erika back

E- did you make it home
J- I did
E- I'll tally to you tomorrow
E- love you
J- love you too

I put my phone down and watch some tv. My eyes start to close as I lay there


I wake up to the vacuum and it pisses me off. I get up and see my dad right outside my door

J- really dad
G- you don't do it so I have too

I leave my door open and I slide right in bed. Then he comes in and talks to me

G- I found out when your championship game is
J- when
G- next Wednesday
J- you coming to that one
G- I'll try it's your last one

My dad and I end up talking for A bit then going out to eat for dinner

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