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Jakes POV
I walk into school tired after last night was my first nights sleep. I make it to my locker and I feel someone go in my bag. I turn around and see Anthony

J- what are you doing
An- nothing chill
C- sling boy you look like shit
J- is it that bad
An- it's pretty bad

I pull my phone out and look at my hair and remember I forgot to do it. I put my bag away and I grab a bottle

J- open

I hold it out and chance opens it. I chug it and throw it to the bottle of my locker. I take my history out

J- my fucking pants are falling down
An- how did you get dressed this morning
J- I don't know I was half asleep

He ties the strings of my pants and we head to class. I sit in front Chance and Anthony on the other side of the room. I put my head in my hand and I shut my eyes. I shoot my head up after having a weird feeling. I turn to the guys

C- I don't even know why you came today
J- I'm fucking bored at home all I do is lay there
C- chill
J- yesterday was the first time I've seen someone else but my dad and...

I look towards the door and see Erika looking hot as hell walking in with Matthew.

J- first Lucas and now Matthew
An- I didn't even know about that
C- guys it's been a week she wouldn't do that
L- sup dickhead
J- here we go

He sits in the seat beside me

L- she had fun last night

I get confused

J- who
L- her

I really need sleep I keep hearing little voices

L- Erika slept with Matthew. She's moving really quick
J- no she wouldn't do that
C- dude don't listen to him
An- this is why you have problems he gets in your mind

I look over at Erika and our eyes meet. Her face gets soft as we just stare at each other. Matthew touches erikas face and I break eye contact. How can she just move on so fast, it's just like a movie.

An- hey

I turn around and see Lucas is gone

An- why are you letting him do this
J- I don't fucking know. I don't believe him but what if there's a what if
C- dude just focus on yourself
J- myself is two people. Me and her
Te- good morning guys today continue working on the questions that I handed out yesterday

As I sit there about to fall asleep the teacher calls on me

Te- Jake can we go talk for a sec
J- yeah

We head outside the door

Te- you missed a test and a quiz but I'm going to let it slide because of your surgery
J- aren't you supposed to do that in the first place
Te- well-
J- you don't like me that's why
Te- I like you
J- can we just stop talking thanks

I head back in class and everyone stares

J- do you guys want me to pose for the picture

Everyone laughs.


I sit in the cafe trying to stay awake

An- you have to take your pills

He slides the bottle over

J- how did you get these
An- your dad put it in your bag and I grabbed it this morning
J- here have it back

I slide it back

C- dude you're not gonna get addicted
J- I just hate them
An- your dad said if you don't take them you can't have them for a day because then you have to restart
J- look at the time I gotta go

I get up and walk out the cafe

An- come on stop being a baby

I walk faster as I turn corners. I hide behind a wall and I see them walk past me. I get out from behind the wall and as I turn the corner I bump into some one and I catch Erika with one arm because the one is in the sling

An- Jake!

I turn my head and see chance and Anthony running towards me. I let go of her and I run down the hallway. I slide down the wall as my wrist is in pain because of all the bouncing up and down from running

J- ok ok just give it to me

Anthony gives me two and I put down both. I put my head back on the wall and my eyes slowly close. I wake up to my head laying on someone's shoulder. I look and it's Anthony

An- class started 30 minutes ago
J- I slept threw all the people in the hallway
An- you haven't slept in a week
J- I think I just need to go home
An- probably a good idea
J- where's chance
An- Tessa dragged home to class
J- I was gonna ask about you but...
An- dude were both in the same boat
Te- boys what are you guys doing
An- the principal allowed us because he just had surgery and hasn't slept in awhile
Te- oh okay

The teacher leaves

J- did the principal actually say that
An- no

He stands up and gets in front of me. He puts his hand up and he helps me up. We head to my locker and I grab all of my things.

J- I'll see you later

I dap him up and I head home. Once I get home I finally get some sleep

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