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March break
Jakes POV
We got to the cottage two days ago and right now the boys are just chilling by the pool.

C- now I don't want to go back home
J- me either it's really nice up here
An- we gotta come back in the summer

I hear the girls behind us as they went to the store to grab a couple things. I get a tap on my shoulder and it's Erika. She waves me to come with her as she walks away. I get up and follow her as she's already out of my sight. I run upstairs and go into our room.

J- what's up

I lay on the bed and she tries me a bag. I open it and it has a pregnancy test. I get up and just look at her

J- are you being serious
E- yeah
J- why didn't you tell me
E- I don't know I was scared

My voice gets louder as I see her facial expression change

J- so on vacation you think it's a good time
E- I didn't want to do it at home
J- this is probably the worst time, everyone is here to see it all unfold
E- I don't think we want our parents to know
J- well they are going to have to find out if you are we can't hide it
E- I just thought if we did it here we could figure it out before going home and telling everyone

I get angrier

J- well now the girls already know because they went with you to go get one and then they are going to tell the guys. So I thats already 4 less people we have to tell
E- I don't have to take it then and we could just wait till we get home. So then I could miss my second period
J- you've only missed one
E- yeah but I'm always on time and missing one is scaring the shit out of me
J- when was the last time we had sex you've been rejecting me for a long time
E- I don't even know Jake I've lost track. I've been so stressed out for the last month about this

She sits on the edge of the bed and puts her face in her hands that sit on her knees. I take off slamming the door shut going out the front door and down the street

J- how the hell is this even happening right now

I walk around the town for a while till I make it back. I stand in front of my bedroom with my hand on the handle. I slowly push the door open and see Erika sitting on the balcony with the test in her hand just looking down at it. I walk closer but as I step on the floor it creeks. She looks towards me and gets up. She pushes past me and puts the test on the dresser as she leaves. I go and grab it expecting to see something but there's nothing there. I hold it in my hand as I walk around the room. I take one good look at it before throwing it in the corner watching it break. I head downstairs and grab water before sitting down on the stool beside the boys

An- you okay
J- fantastic you know, my girlfriend might be fucking pregnant
C- pregnant?

He says kinda loud

J- the girls didn't tell you
An- no
J- well yeah they went to the store and came back with pregnancy tests
C- she didn't take it yet
J- nope
An- is that why we didn't see both of you guys for a couple hours
J- yeah I just left I couldn't take it
C- dumb move
J- she told me at the worst time. The time I'm the most stressed out. I'm finally out of this cast and then once we get back we see if I could play football, if I can't I'm not getting into a collage.
An- things will work out
J- well you think that because you're not in this situation
C- he's right things always work out for you
J- thanks guys

I say sarcastically as I get up and leave. I go in the living room and pull my phone out as I sit in the chair. I sit in there cooling off scrolling threw my social media till it becomes pitch black out. I look at the time, 11:37pm. I go upstairs to change and get out of these swim shorts. I grab shorts and a T-shirt and put those on. I head out and sit with everyone by the fire. The girls look at me but I sit down and look off into the distance. I watch as the trees sway side to side as the wind blows. Soon everyone heads inside and I'm left here alone. I soon get rid of the fire and head upstairs to grab a hoodie. I open the door and I walk in on Erika changing. I grab my hoodie from the bathroom where I see two pregnancy boxes under her clothes

J- are you trying to hide these

I peek out the bathroom

E- I guess not if you found them
J- I think one was enough
E- apparently not if it's broken in the corner of the room

I throw my hoodie on and head downstairs as she watches me leave. I get down there and get a blanket and a pillow. I end up sleeping on the couch because I don't want to make her even more mad than she already is.

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