3. The papers.

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Madison's Pov.

There were mostly just hospital bills in the first folders that were placed at the back of the drawer. Then there was a larger folder labeled Madison Elizabeth Mitchell. Which is stupid because my name is Grey, not Mitchell. I took the folder from its slot and took it to my room. I opened the folder and saw papers that changed my life.

They were adoption papers. My adoptions papers. This made more sense, why my 'parents' hated me so much, why I was never invited to family events. But why would they lie to me about this? They hated me so much why wouldn't the just rub it in my face that I wasn't really related to them?

An hour later they returned home from 'my mothers' mom's house. They had happy expressions on their faces so I decided to go upstairs.

"Maddie? Are you down here" My dad said. He looked around the room and noticed I wasn't there.

"Who cares where she is. As long as she's not in our way then nobody should give a care about where she goes or what she does." Jade said. "I hate having to share a room with her, why did I get stuck with her" she added.

"Because we weren't going to stick her with your brother" my mom said. "He doesn't deserve that" she added.

"And I do? God what did I do to make you feel like I should be punished with her" jade screamed.

The sounds of her voice echoed in my head. Her words felt like ice ripping through the surface of my skin. I heard her footsteps and I knew that it was best to stay quiet and face the window by my bed.

"Are you awake!" Jade growled. She came over to my bed and I shut my eyes. I wasn't ready to talk to anyone in this family ever again. "Mom wants me to tell you that we are all going out tomorrow" she said.

"I'm good I don't wanna go" I said.

"You have no choice" Jade said "So get over what ever boring thing you have to do tomorrow" she added.

I couldn't go anywhere with these people. They have lied to me for the last 17 years of my life and I don't deserve the treatment that I get from them.

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