14. Perfect Penny ruined dinner.

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Meredith's Pov.

"Come in" I managed to say as I flipped a picture of Derek and Zola over so she wouldn't see his face. Callie walked into the kitchen and greeted Alex, Jo, and Arizona.

"Dr. Grey I did not know this was your house" she said.

"We don't need to talk at all tonight, you may speak with anyone but me" I said walking into the kitchen.

"Did you just meet Callie's new girlfriend" Andrew said

"Yeah I did" I said with a haunting look on my face

"Are you ok because you look like you have seen a ghost" Alex said walking over to us.

"I'm fine, let's just eat dinner, it's done right Andrew?" I asked.

"Yeah it's done" he said.

"Alright everyone sit at a seat, dinner is being served" Alex said. Everyone walked over to the table and sat next to the person of their choice.

"Hi Andrew, sit here" Maggie said. Andrew walked and sat next to her. The only seat left was next to Bailey and Andrew.

"Calliope, could we maybe go a little bit early?" Penny asked softly

"I used to call her Calliope" Arizona said.

"It's kind of cool because Her name is Penelope and mine is Calliope" Callie said.

"Penelope Blake! That's why I remember your name we have a meeting on Monday" Bailey said.

"Why do you have a meeting with her on Monday, Bailey?" I asked coldly.

"She is one of the residents transferring to Grey Sloan" Bailey said.

"Where do you work at the moment" Amelia asked.

"Um, I work at Dillard medical center" She said.

"Isn't that where Derek died" Jackson said.

"Yeah it was, wasn't it Penny" I said bitterly.

"Wait she was on his case, how come you didn't tell me" Amelia said.

"Because perfect penny killed my husband!" I said before storming up stairs up the stairs.

"It might be best if people leave early" Alex said.

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