40. Do you want to know the gender?

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Andrew's Pov.

"Carina! Sei il nuovo ginecologo? Pensavo che saresti tornato in italia con papa'!" I said a little louder than I thought.
(You're the new gynecologist? I thought you were heading back to Italy with dad?)

"Smettila di evitare le mie domande! Hai già incinta qualcuno!" She yelled back.
(Stop avoiding my questions! You've already got someone pregnant!)

"Is that your sister?" Meredith asked.

"Sì,sì" I said. She nodded and looked out the window. "Carina this is Meredith Grey!"

"Ciao, it's nice to meet you" Carina said. Mer smiled and nodded.

"It's nice to meet you too, Andrew has told me so much about you!" Mer said beaming with delight.

"I'm sure he did, he normally always, how do you say in English, Dice cose brutte" Carina said giving me a dull look.
(He says bad things)
"I don't not!" I said a little louder than I thought I would have.

"Oh, Ti assicuro che lui dice solo cose carine su di te" Mer said.
(I assure you, he only says nice things about you)

"You speak Italian?" Carina asked in shock. Mer giggled a little.

"Yeah, I studied abroad in Italy for a year, did my undergraduates class there, and I visited Europe before I went to med school" Mer said gleefully.

"That's cool, ok well I am going to get started, now the gel might be cold" Carina said. She placed the gel on Meredith's stomach. She moved a little at first but then calmed down when carina started to look for the baby's heartbeat.

"It's a strong heartbeat Mer!" I said. I leaned down and kissed her softly.

"Are you planning on finding out the gender?" Carina asked.

"Well I was thinking that you could write the gender in an envelope and we could have someone get balloons with the color confetti of the gender inside of the balloon for a gander reveal" Mer said.

"Alright who should m I give the envelope to?" Carina asked. She started writing down the gender of the baby.

"We will take it, we haven't told anybody yet so that is our first priority" I said. She handed me the envelope. We thanked Carina and walked out to the hallway.

"We have to tell my sisters!" Mer said.

"Do you want to do that now?" I asked. She smiled and shook her head.

"I was thinking that I invite people over to a game night and we do a hang man or something to tell them" she said. Seeing her happy made me happy.

"Ok when should we do this?" I asked her.

"We could do it in two days?" She said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah, that would be great!" I said. I couldn't wait to be a father. And it's was to Meredith Grey's baby!

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