6. Alex's bitter Attitude.

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Meredith's Pov.
One month earlier.

"She looks so peaceful" Alex said "for a half dead girl" he added.

"She can most likely hear you, and that's how you treat patients? Because if it is you won't be a doctor for much longer!" I said as Alex rolled his eyes.

"How long do you think she will last, Mer?" He asked.

"I think she will make it through this whole accident Alex, don't you believe that she can fight hard enough?" I said.

"She has been coding non stop since she was rolled into trauma three Mer, face it she is too far gone to 'fight hard enough to live' if she had a chance she would be awake right now" Alex said.

"Maybe you're wrong Alex, people pull through when they are literally supposed to be dead. Why couldn't she?" I said with a bitter tone.

"God you're acting like Izzie? Are we going to have another Denny Douquette situation?" He said

"I'm not acting like Izzie okay, and she's 17 and a she
So I don't see how we would have another Denny Douquette situation" I said angrily.

"Um, Dr. Grey?" A firm voice said " I am observing your service for the week" he added. I spun around and noticed a tall Attending standing in the doorway.

"And your name is?" I asked in a bitchy tone.

"Andrew DeLuca. I'm a new Attending " he said. He looked like he had never seen a hospital before today.

"Did you read up on her chart Dr.DeLuca?" I asked

"Yes, I did read the chart" he said.

"So, present it to me then" I asked.

"Madison Grey, 17 years old, came in from a head-on-collision. Two days post-op and she is scheduled for a laparoscopic removal of the right kidney" DeLuca said.

"Wow , should we give you a medal? Because anyone can memorize a chart, but you did it with pride!" Alex bitched.

"Just ignore him. He is being an ass today, and well done" I said "who's next on our list, Dr.DeLuca?" I asked him.

"Mary West" He said with glee. We walked to her room quietly and quickly. He ended up breaking the silence by telling me how much a fan of my work he was.

"How much of that fight did you hear, from me and Dr.Karev?" I asked breaking the silence once more.

"Not much but I'll pretend I saw nothing Dr.Grey" he said turning into the patients room.

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