13. Callie's new girlfriend .

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Meredith's Pov.

The doorbell rang again about five minutes after Arizona came in. When I opened the door I saw Callie and a ginger standing next to her. When I noticed who she was I froze.

"Hey Meredith, this is my girlfriend Penny Blake" Callie said. The memories of that night slowly came back.

March 27th 2015:

"I'm here to see my husband, his name is Derek Shepard" I replied. A scary look came to her face when I said his name.

"I'll be right back" she said. She walked over to another Doctor who was working on charting. "The guy who saved everyone in the accident today, his wife and kids are here" she said to the doctor. They walked over with depressed looks.

"Hello, Dr.Grey is it?" The male doctor said " I was one of the Doctors in your husbands case" he added. He took a long pause.

"I came her to see my husband, not listen to you studder while telling me what happened to him" I said. I knew something bad had happened because they couldn't even look me in the eyes.

"He was in an accident" the doctor said.

"He saved us all from the accident" a little girls said waiting on the next room.

"He must have dropped something while turning around his vehicle, and the driver who hit him didn't see him until it was too late" Dr. Blake said.

"While in surgery, his stats started to change and we noticed that he had come in with a head lac" Dr. Costello said.

"You would have noticed he was bleeding into his brain from the head CT" I said.

"We didn't have time to get a head CT" He said.

"Your telling me that my husband is on his death bed because you refused to get him a head CT" I yelled.

"We did every thing we could Dr. Grey" she said.

"You did nothing to save him" I said.

"Meredith, are you ok" Callie said snapping me back to reality.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said. Penny knew I recognized her and she knew how I felt.

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