35. Don't leave me.

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Andrew's Pov.

When she started running I knew I had to run after her to get her. "Meredith! I am faster than you" I said as she turned the corner. She started towards the stairs.

"Go away DeLuca" she yelled. She ran through the stair well but disappeared. I turned around and walked back to the Attending's lounge.

"I have to go" I said.

"Why?" Maggie asked. I couldn't tell her why.

"I'm taking my friends dog out for him and I need to go before he goes all over the house" I said. That would have been true if this happened two years ago but they didn't need to know that.

"Ok goodbye" Amelia said. I ran down the Hall and entered the elevator. When I got to the lobby I ran to the parking lot to see if her car was still there. It was. My car was parked next to hers and I considered talking to her but when she saw me she drove off. I decided to follow her.
'Sarò a casa tardi Carina. non aspettarmi'
(I'll be home late Carina, don't wait for me'

'Ok Andreá'

When I got to her house she was walking in the door. Her kids hadn't been dropped off because all the lights were off. I quickly got out of my car and ran to her door. I shoved my foot in the door before she could close it.

"What the hell!" She said. I pushed open the door. "what the hell are you doing?" she asked. She turned on the light and I grabbed her and brought her up stairs. "Let go of me and get out!" She yelled.

"No! You need to listen to me. You have been avoiding me for a week!" I said. I closed her door and she ran to her bed. "I am sorry that I said everything I did to you" I said. "I never should have said that to you" I added.

"I don't care, just get out" she said.

"Seriously! I'm here trying to fix things an you are waving me away?" I said.

"You told me to listen, you never said I had to forgive you. Now get out!" She yelled. I walked over to her. "Please" she said we're tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I never should have said that whatever we had was a mistake because it wasn't. It was the best thing I have had in a long time" I said.

"Andrew you hurt me when you said that and I can just go back to being friends with you" she said.

I stepped closer to her and pulled her up on her feet. "Meredith, I'm so sorry that I hurt you. Please forgive me" I said. I leaned in and kissed her and I held her close to me. She pulled away from me and stood up straight.

"I forgive you" she said.

"Thank you, god I don't know what I-" I said before she cut me off.

"But we are done Andrew" she said. She wiped her tears and pointed at the door. "You need to leave" she said.

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