8. The giant mess up.

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Meredith's Pov.
One week later.

"You know you never apologized for you lack of trust in my choices yesterday" I said as Alex sat down at the table.

"And you never apologized for not learning how to shut your mouth sometimes, but I don't bring that up do I?" Alex said back.

"You kind of just did" I said.

"God get a room already, nobody wants to see you stick your tongue down her throat!" Amelia shouted at a group of residents.

"I see your still in a mood" I said sarcastically.

"She sounds like a queen bee from my high school" DeLuca said as he places down his tray.

"You've been gone for a few days, where have you Been DeLuca?" I asked.

"Yeah Deluc's, where have you been" Alex said mockingly.

"Please don't call me that, and I have been in Italy with my sister and Father" DeLuca said giving me a shy look.

"Ohh the country of love" I said replying to his look.

"How would you know, you don't go anywhere besides here and your bed" Amelia said.

"I went to Europe for two months before I went to Med school an-..." I was interrupted by my pager. Andrews pager quickly went off after mine.

" 911 , for Madison, we've got to go" Andrew said. We quickly ran to her room.

"What happened!" I screamed at the intern standing by her bedside.

"I was giving her meds and she just started seizing!" He yelled back.

"What did you give her" Andrew asked.

"Vicodin ES" the intern said "she was complaining pain and she hadn't had anything so I figured she would be ok" he added.

"She's allergic to Vicodin ES, you idiot! Can't you read a chart" I screamed. "Page Dr.Shepard Now!" I said. Within a minutes she was here.

"What happened to her?" She asked.

"Some idiot intern pumped her body with Vicodin ES" Andrew said.

"She's deathly allergic to it, can he not read a chart" Amelia said.

"Push one of Epi" I yelled. She was still seizing. "Push one more!" I said.

"Her pressure is stabilizing" Amelia said.

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