12. Andrew helps out in the kitchen.

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Meredith's Pov.

After I had completely shopped for the dinner party I had to go home and set everything up. Maggie said that Andrew could help in the kitchen if I would let him. With in an hour of Maggie telling me that, he was knocking at my door.

"Hi Dr.Grey, I'm here to he-." He said before I cut him off.

"I know I told her to send you over cause I can't do this by my self" I said

"Ok so where should I start?" He asked

"I don't know you're the cook" I said "and you can call me Meredith you know" I added.

"And you can call me Andrew, here and at the hospital"

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Two hours later people started to show up for the dinner party.

"Thank you, again for helping me out in the kitchen today I really appreciate it Andrew" Meredith said.

"No problem, I love having an excuse to cook for people" I said. The doorbell rang and Meredith walked through the living room to get it.

"Hey Meredith, how are you" Arizona Robbins said gleefully.

"I'm good, how are you" She said closing the door.

"Just fine, I mean I'm at a dinner party that my Ex- wife is going to show up at with her new girlfriend" Arizona said

"Well don't worry Robbins, because I'm sure she is nothing compared to you" Meredith said.

"You're so sweet Grey, what would I do without you" Arizona said.

"Hey DeLuca, don't forget to check on the oven!" Meredith called from the next room.

"I won't" I said walking toward the oven. The doorbell rang again and Meredith shot to the door.

"Hey Meredith, this is my girlfriend Penny Blake!" Callie Torres said. "Meredith? Are you ok" she said a few moments later.

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