1. February 14 2000.

855 13 2

Meredith's Pov.
17 years earlier.

"Are you sure you don't want to hold her?" The doctor said.

"I'm sure, if I hold her I might rethink everything I decided and she already has a family waiting for her when she gets out so just take her please!" I said. I knew if I held my daughter I would want to keep her but taking care of my mom and a new born would not end well. I didn't want to put my mother in a nursing home because she wasn't so advanced yet, but I couldn't take care of my baby and have her feel as neglected as I did as a child.

"Ms.Grey are sure that you don't want to hold her? Holding her might give you the closure you'll never get if you just hand her over to random strangers." The nurse said handing me the baby.

She was wrapped in a delicate pink baby blanket and started to cry softly when the nurse picked her up. She stopped when I held out my arms to take her. I instantly felt the bond between us, me and my daughter. It made me want to cry but I couldn't. I had to be strong. I held the baby for 10 minutes before calling a nurse to take her away from me before I changed my mind.

"You did the right thing Meredith, anyone would kill for the chance to say goodbye to their baby before giving away their rights to them" the nurse said placing the baby back in the incubator.

"You really think that saying goodbye was the right thing for me? Because I don't. I think that it was the worst thing I could have had to do. I want to be able to take my baby home and have my mother there to help me but instead..." I said pausing. "Instead I have to take care of a world renowned surgeon with Alzheimer's disease. And I don't want my baby to feel neglected like I was" I said finally bursting into tears.

"I'll give you a minute Ms.Grey" the nurse said.

"Can I at least name her?" I asked wiping away the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Yeah, do you have a name in mind?"

"Madison Elizabeth." I said avoiding a last name.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm sure the family will love it" she said taking the baby back to the NICU.

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