25. I can't stop myself from falling down.

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Madison's Pov.

"What's for dinner Lonnie" Mrs. Mitchell asked her husband.

"Italian sampler. Pizza, salad, mozzarella sticks, breadsticks, sauce" he said.

"Yum, isn't that your favorite Maddie?" Max asked.

"Hmm....Oh..um..yeah i-it is" I said.

"Are you ok?" Jade asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, perfectly fine" I said. That was a lie I had pain in my stomach and throughout my entire body. I was dying but nobody knew but me.

"Why don't you grab a water" Max said. I got up and walked to the fridge. The room started spinning rapidly and the next thing I knew I was on the floor.

"Ugh Madison Elizabeth stand up now!" Mr. Mitchell said. He couldn't see me so he didn't know I was slowly dying.

"Madison listen to your father, enough with the games!" Mrs. Mitchell yelled. She resumed with her meal. Jade and Max quickly stood ups and cane to check on me.

"Mom there is something wrong with her" Max said.

"No there isn't she is just playing games, she is seeking attention" she said.

"No! Something is wrong there is white stuff coming out of her mouth." They stood up and ran over to me.

I'm dying and they don't care. I mean nothing to them.

"Call 911!" Mr.Mitchell said.

Max ran and grabbed the phone. "There is something wrong with my sister! She isn't breathing and there is white stuff coming out of her mouth!" He yelled.

"Here I go, down that road, again and again the fools rushing in. But I can't help when I feel some type of way, do you feel the same?" Those lyrics were going through my mind until I lost everything I had lived for.

The ride of the ambulance was quick. I knew where we were. Grey Sloan Memorial. Finally!

"Madison Mitchell, 17-year-old girl collapsed during dinner and started foaming at the mouth, sounds like a possible seizure" I heard a paramedic say.

"Let's get her into CT" Dr. Shepard said. It wasn't a seizure, I tried to kill my self aren't you supposed to have figured that out?

A week later.
Maddie's POV:

"Why did you do this to yourself Maddie!" Meredith asked.

"Because I hate my life, I have a family who isn't mine and hate me, I have no clue who my mother is and... Non voglio più vivere!" I said.
("I don't want to live anymore.")

"So che la pensi così, ma puoi chiedere aiuto, posso aiutarti, ecco perché sono qui" Meredith said.
(" I know you think so, but you can ask for help, I can help you, that's why I'm here.") "le cose andranno meglio presto"
("Things will get better soon.")

"I hope so" I said.

"It will" She replied.

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