26. A game of cat and mouse.

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Meredith's Pov.

"You are going strong in keeping the mystery man a mystery" Amelia said "Come on tell us" she added

"No you don't need to know" I said.

"Who doesn't need to know what?" Alex said.

"Meredith got a hickey last week and won't tell us who it's from" Maggie said.

"Was Meredith a bad girl last week?" Andrew said as he sat down.

"No! I wasn't" I said. I felt his eyes burning a hole into my shirt. 'Keep it up Italy,or you will have to find someone else to flirt with'

'I'm sure you will follow through with that threat Grey'

"So DeLuca, how was you big surgery this morning?" Maggie asked.

"It went well, my patient is expected to live" he relied

"That's good..." Maggie said. Her phone started beeping. "Crap, 911 on my heart transplant patient, I've gotta go" she added. She stood up and threw away her tray as she rushed out of the cafeteria.

"Well I have to go see Jo, I'll catch up with you guys" Alex said.

"Have fun!" Amelia said "So did you hear about Meredith's little friend Andrew!" Amelia asked.

"If you think this is going to make me tell you, you are so wrong" I said.

"No, Meredith has never mentioned anything about that" Andrew said. "Who have you been sneaking around with?" He added.

"That is none of your business Dr.DeLuca" I said. He gave me a snide smile. "Ok I have other things to do so if you will excuse me I'm going to go now" I said.

"I have surgery so I'm going to go" Amelia said.

"Ok have fun with that" Andrew said. They both stood up and left throwing away their trays as they left the room.

"So you told people about 'me' I thought it was a one time thing?" Andrew said as he walked up beside me.

"I didn't tell them they saw your 'mark' on my neck" I answered.

"I could give you another one right now, we have time" he said.

"I'm not sleeping with you" I said. He grabbed my arm and directed me to the door. He pushed it opened and pulled me inside.

"You know you want me" he said as he pushed me up against the door.

"Oh.I..so.don't want you" I said. He pulled me closer and ran his hands through my hair.

"Are you sure?" He said. Pulling me in to kiss him I felt my whole world stop. I tried to resist kissing him back but he was too hot for me to not.

"I told you that you would be begging for me" I said. He started to lift my shirt over my head and threw it across the room. He pushed me over to the bed and undid the tie on my scrub pants.

"It is so worth the begging" he said. He pulled me into the bed and started to caress my body. His hands felt so warm and comforting I didn't want to ever leave them.

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