18. The Vampire Called Bambi.

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Check out the attached picture to see what Liam and Faith dressed up like for the Halloween party!!

“Do these look good on me?” Faith asked, trying out the new set of fangs Liam got her for the party. “I look sexy don’t I?”

“How delusional.” He said flatly. “You’ll know what sexy means when you see me.”

“What are you going as anyway?” She asked, rolling her eyes. “A gorilla? Chipmunk? Donald Duck?”

“Why do you think I’d go as one of Bambi’s fictional animated friends? It’s a surprise.”

“Oh tell me! I told you what I’m going as.” She shook his wrist vehemently.

“Well, I never asked you to.” He shrugged and shook her hand off.

“Ffff….FINE!” She spat out, immediately sticking her tongue out at him after. “Don’t tell me. I’m sure you’ll look stupid no matter what you go as.” She lied, suppressing a laugh.

“We’ll see.” He smirked, not the least bit perturbed by what she had just said.

“Are you challenging me?” She puckered her lips mockingly as she fluttered her eyelashes.

“If you say so.” He shrugged nonchalantly.

“Fine. If I win, you’ll stop calling me Bambi.”

“If you win, which is not going to happen. I know how amazing I’m gonna look.” He smiled at her. “But what if I win?”

Faith thought for a moment before finally making a deal with him. “Whatever you want.” The guy had convinced her to pose as his wife. What could he ask for that was worse than that? But then again, pretending to be his wife didn’t bother her as much as it did before.




“There I go.” Faith fixed her fangs in place. “I’m ready.” She flashed her fake canines at the mirror, but when she realized it looked scary, she withdrew her teeth back in and pouted. “That looks so real.” She touched the fake blood marks around her lips.

Faith checked out her lenses. They were a bit uncomfortable but her vampire look wouldn’t be complete without them. She flattened out the hem of her extra short dress, and ran her fingers through her sleek hair. “How could Liam ever beat that?” She grinned to herself. “I look so damn good. A sexy vampire! This made me win best costume in high school. He’ll never get past this.” She put her hands on her hips and rotated her shoulders to get a view of her rear body. She was quite pleased with the way she looked, and was confident she would nail it at the party.

“I’m ready.” Liam knocked on the washroom door. “Don’t you wanna see?” He suggested provocatively.

“I’m too busy admiring myself.” She said proudly.

“I’m opening the door Faith.” He warned.

“Yeah, whatever.”

He turned the knob and pushed the door open. He entered the washroom and stood in front of her. There he was, all six feet of him towering over her, in a totally black ensemble. He wore a cowboy hat in black, a shirt unbuttoned at the top in black, a pair of jeans in black, and shoes in black.

Faith stared at him. She stood there with her mouth open as she underwent a mix of emotions. She felt defeated, but at the same time, she couldn’t stop eyeing him even though she wanted to. He looked gorgeous. The color complimented his pale skin and the hat made him look even hotter than he was. Faith knew at that moment that she was stuck with Bambi forever.

She tried to feign an expression of confidence. “What is that?” She chuckled, crossing her arms. “Is is a black party?” She laughed like she had cracked a really funny joke.

Liam hung his head and suppressed a laugh. He knew exactly why she was behaving that way.

“What? You do realize that I won.” She said, her voice trembling and eyelids constantly batting, “Right?”

He just smiled and raised her eyebrows in response, and Faith finally gave up on all the pretence.

“Fine! FINE I LOSE! Call me Bambi, call me that ALL THE TIME.” She screamed, clearly in shock that he was actually looking at least ten times better than her. She knew he was very attractive and looked good in whatever he wore, but she couldn’t believe that her vampire look failed her.

“Okay, do you mind telling me how I actually look?” He smirked. “Go on, tell me.” He nudged her.

“How does it matter? You look better than I do. What are you even dressed as? A cowboy?” She chuckled.

“A Halloween cowboy. A sexy Halloween cowboy.” He put his hands in his pockets. “Who’s going to a Halloween party with his vampire freak girlfriend.”

“Wife.” She corrected, and put her arms in his, smiling like a psycho. She suddenly didn’t mind losing to him.

Seven days, and they went from two fighting clowns who would bite off each other’s head if given a chance to buddies who were getting happier and more comfortable with each other. They hadn’t even given a thought as to what they would do when the next week was over and they would probably never meet each other again.

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