33. Game On!

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After they had lunch at a posh restaurant by the beach, they were all coming back home in Liam’s car. Faith and Haylee talked nonstop while Liam sat with his face in his palms.

“Oh my God, I’ll go deaf.”

They went silent for a second, looked at him, and then continued talking.

“Just how much do you girls talk? You’ve been talking all day! I took another damn day off from work for this?” He threw up his arms and rolled his eyes.

As soon as they reached home, he got out of the car as fast as he could. All he wanted was to be in a quiet room where he wouldn’t have to listen to constant gossip and ranting. He was really quick and looked like he had to rush somewhere.

“Do you need to use the bathroom?” Faith asked, while Haylee nodded in agreement.

“What? No! I just want to get away from your chatterbox mouths.” He stuck out his tongue and went inside the house. He made his way to his bedroom and once he was in, he shut the door. It was a really, really long day. Perhaps taking Haylee along wasn’t a good idea. But then his mind drifted to the good part. Faith was busy talking to Haylee all day long, but Liam didn’t miss out a single chance to stare at her. She looked drop dead gorgeous to him that day, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her for a single moment.

He took small steps towards his desk. He opened the drawer and fished inside to take out an old journal. It was one with a black leather cover, which he used when he was back in high school. He had never made a single entry in it after his life had taken a dramatic turn. But today, he wanted to do it. Again.

He sat down by his desk on the wooden chair, as he flipped his journal open. Old photographs and journal entries all made him super nostalgic. Some even cracked him up, while some, like old photos of Scarlett made him cringe.

“Why do I still have these?” He whispered to himself. He dumped the photographs into the trash can by his desk and picked up a pen. He started to pen down his thoughts.

16th October 2014

It has been such a long time since I made a journal entry. Life had changed, I had changed. Things were completely different. They still are, but I seem to have found a way back to myself. To the person I used to be. I’m madly in love with her.

To be honest, I never thought that I could ever become my old self again. I thought I would never fall in love again. But here I am, proving my thoughts wrong. Faith is the best thing that has ever happened to me .I’m glad I decided to take the trip to Paris .If I hadn’t, I’d have never met Faith.

She is imperfect in every way, and yet exudes perfection. I don’t even know if that makes any sense. She is just so full of life, so innocent and simple. She is happy with everything she has. She cries at the drop of a plate, and she is really silly. But I’m still crazy about her.

And she’s so beautiful. My heart skips a beat every time she smiles. The first time that I saw her, I was really mean to her. But to be honest, I found her really attractive from the beginning. Within two weeks, I realized how much I care about her. I absolutely adore Faith, and I would never let her go. At no cost. I’d probably marry her and start a family, and grow old with her. And I’d be really mortified if she saw this.


He closed the journal and kept in back in the drawer, careful to tuck it in safely. So what if he wasn’t eighteen anymore. He still wouldn’t want anybody to see his journal. Seemed like he was exactly on time, as he heard a loud knock on the door.

“Liam, open up!” Haylee called out to him.

“Fast!” Faith added.

He groaned before getting up and opening to door. There they stood, each leaning on either side.

“What?” He demanded, eyeing Faith from head to toe subconsciously.

“It’s game time!” Haylee winked. “Don’t you wanna come?”

The mention of game time was sufficient to charge him up instantly. His eyebrows arched back to normal, and a smile crept up his face. “Hell, is that even a question?” He pushed the door further open and shot out of the room. “I’ll take you down, baby sister.”

“We’ll play together.” She pointed to Faith.

“Bambi’s gonna play?” He laughed. “She’ll probably start crying if I get ahead of her.”

“Liam, now see. You’re forgetting that I have a brother, okay? I play games with him. A lot. And you better watch your ass.” She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms, oozing confidence.

“So you swear now?” He smirked. “Gosh, that really scared me.” He made a goofy face.

“Well, what if I win?” Faith playfully questioned him.

“Anything you want. What if I win?” He inched closer to her.

“Anything you want.”

“Fine. Let’s go then!” He turned to walk.

“Hey! Wait up! Not now, later. After dinner.” Haylee stopped him.

“You got it!” Liam clicked his fingers together before flicking them at Haylee’s ears. “Thanks for disturbing me when you really could have done that later.” They exchanged a few comebacks before Liam shut the door on Haylee’s face.

“Ugh! I hate him.” She crossed her arms in annoyance, as Faith laughed.

After dinner, they headed straight to the game room. The two girls thumped down onto the leather couch, while Liam set up the video game. He came back and went into explanatory mode.

“So, we’re playing Warriors of Death. It’s relatively easy, because I didn’t want to be too harsh on Bambi.” He raised his eyebrows.

“But I can play! Gosh!” Faith whined, while Haylee backed her up with all her heart. “Yeah, she said she can play, Liam.”

“Yeah. Okay, so let’s start.” He ignored them and handed them gamepads.

The game started. Liam played as a warrior prince, who had to fight his way into a castle against two beautiful, powerful women. Of course, these two women were controlled by his two lovely real life ladies. He took flat three minutes to take Haylee’s character down, while she cried in despair and thrust a pillow at him.

“You totally cheated!” She angrily banged the gamepad on the table. “Faith, take this man down.”

Faith took it very seriously. She narrowed her eyes and glared at Liam. Liam glared back, before smiling and let his dimples do all the talking. Faith was distracted, but she soon shifted her focus back to the game. They kept fighting for ten minutes. Haylee cheered her on and was constantly cussing at her brother, while he remained unaffected by her rants. After a few more minutes of a neck to neck fight, Liam killed his opponent.

“YES! I am the king! King! Super K!” he waved his gamepad into the air.

“More like super gay!” Haylee shot back.

“That doesn’t even make sense!” He said, before turning to Faith. “So, you were saying?”

Faith was embarrassed like anything. She slowly placed the gamepad on the table, and shifted her gaze to Liam before smiling sheepishly. “So, what do you want?”

“You know what I want.” He looked into her eyes, completely ignoring the fact that his sister was present there.

“No way! She’s sleeping with me! Please Liam!” Haylee stood up to intervene, but Liam pushed her back onto the couch.

“Fine.” Faith bit her lips. “I’ll spend the night in your room.”

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