26. The Other Accident.

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Hey, don't forget to check out Liam and Haylee's baby photos in this chapter! Could they be any cuter?! Thanks for reading! :)

Faith was done with her shower. She stepped out of the washroom into Haylee’s room. She admired the young and lively feel once again. It was similar to her own room, only much bigger and furnished with more exquisite items. She blow dried her hair, still clad only in her pink Hello Kitty towel. Haylee said she was going to watch her favorite show, and had asked faith to hurry once she was done bathing. Faith quickly combed her hair, and was about to change, when Liam suddenly barged in.

“Hey how long is it…whoa.” He just stood there for a moment, red faced. “I’m gonna go.” Saying this, he quickly closed the door. Seeing her in mini dresses and cute shorts was a totally different thing. But this just left him mortified.

Faith was not even finished processing what had just happened. She stood still too, tugging on to the rim of her towel. She looked down at her legs and then at her upper body. It barely covered her. When the feeling sunk in, she finally reacted.

“Oh. My. God. He didn’t just see me.” She thumped down on to the bed. “Oh God. How will I ever face him again?” Her cheeks burnt with embarrassment, and she gritted her teeth in sorrow. Then, her resistance broke, and a tear popped out of her eye.

“How do I go down in front of him?” She whispered to herself, sniffing. She then slowly accepted the fact that he had just seen her wearing a towel and nothing else and got with it. “Did he like what he saw?” She tipped her head up and thought carefully, with one eye closed. “God! Why am I even thinking about that?!” She laughed and shrugged it off.

She wore a pink dress and tied up her hair in a ponytail. She decided that she looked really cute, and went downstairs. The first person she saw was Liam, coming upstairs. Their eyes met, and they stared at each other without a word. He abruptly stopped and turned around.

“Uh… Yeah mom, I’m coming.” Liam rushed down.

“How lame!” Faith put her hands on her hips, when an upset voice called out to her.

“The show is almost over.” Haylee was clearly disappointed. “What took you so long?”

“Ask your brother.” Faith shrugged playfully, and then mentally punched herself for being so shameless about it. She wanted to take her words back, but it was too late now.

“Liam? What did he do?” Haylee suddenly leaned forward, a huge grin running from one side of her face to the other. “Did you guys…?”

“What?! No!” Faith nervously chuckled. “Of course not!”  She went quiet after that, but then she remembered what she wanted to see.

“Oh, hey! Let’s see your childhood photos!” She put her hand on Haylee’s. “I can’t wait!”

“Right! I almost forgot. Let’s go!” Saying this, she pulled Faith along.

Haylee took her along to a place which wasn’t a specific kind of room. It had a couch and a desk, and was quite small compared to the other rooms. There was a huge TV on the wall facing the couch, and a large cabinet beneath it.

“If you’re wondering, this is where Liam and I watch movies and play video games!” Haylee said, sensing Faith’s curiosity.

“It’s so… cozy!” faith responded with a smile. “We have a similar room at our house. My brother plays video games there, all the time!”

“You have a brother?” Haylee asked.

“Hmm, he’s my twin. I’m older by two minutes! His name is Logan.”

“That’s so cool! Hey, I found them!” She got up, holding a stack of many photo albums in her hands.

She laid them out on the table in front of them. Faith couldn’t contain her excitement anymore. Haylee opened the big, blue one first.

“Look! These are our photos from when I was around eighteen. Liam was twenty.” She pointed to various photos, explaining when each was taken and on what occasion. Faith was thoroughly absorbed into seeing the pictures. She was enjoying seeing different moments of Liam’s life. After the more recent ones, Haylee opened the last album. It was a cute, pink one, and it was labeled.

Liam and Haylee.

“Hold your breath! Two super cute babies coming up!” Haylee mock-warned her as she slowly opened the album.

The first page had two photographs in black and white. Brother and sister looked so different even back then, and it wasn’t hard for her to recognize those eyes.

“Oh my God that’s Liam! Was he always this cute?” She squealed, as she took the album in her hands. She stared at the photo for a long time. Chubby little cheeks and big round eyes, she just couldn’t get enough of the photograph.

“Hey, I’m there too!” Haylee complained, pouting. “I was cuter than him!”

“Actually, you were both really cute! I can’t compare!” Faith said, but her eyes were still fixated upon Liam’s photograph. “Aww, look at all that drool.” She chuckled. “Looks like he’s ready to pounce on the camera!”

“Liam loves posing for pictures. Believe it or not. He’s a jerk most of the time. Doesn’t even talk much, but when it comes to posing, bang on! There’s no stopping him.” Haylee told her.

They heard the door open. Liam and his mom came in, the latter holding him by his wrist. “I brought him here; I don’t know why he wouldn’t come. He’s always so enthusiastic about showing off his childhood photos.” Margaret complained, twisting his ear.

“Ouch, mom. I’m twenty five, not two! Stop that!” he whined. As his mother let go of his ear, he rubbed it furiously. Faith noticed that the redness of his ears now matched the color of his cheeks. She let out a sigh. The guy was still hung onto what happened. If she could deal with it, anybody could, she thought. He was looking here and there, but never at Faith.

“Liam, I want to talk to you.” She smiled.

He looked at her, shocked. ‘What the hell is she doing?!’ He thought to himself.

Haylee and Margaret took the hint, and left them alone. They were trying hard not to smile, but neither of them was too good at suppressing it.

“We’ll leave you two be.” Margaret smiled and shut the door.

There was an awkward silence in the room. Liam, with his hands behind his back, was suddenly really interested in the wires that came out from the back of the television. He was suddenly too much into them, touching and sliding his fingers down them. Faith coughed.

No response.

“Ahem ahem.”

Still no response.

“Liam!” She shouted.

“What?” He still wouldn’t look at her.

“Okay, since you’re behaving that way, I’ll assume you didn’t like what you saw.” She started walking out of the room.

“Hey, no, you’re getting me wrong!” His attention was now fully focused on her, and he caught hold of her arm to stop her from going out.

“So you liked it?”

He stared quietly at her, his cheeks partially inflated and lips plumped up into a pout. “Yes.” He looked down.

“What are you so shy about? If I can get over it, why can’t you?!”

“Because… it’s you. I’ve never seen you that way before…” his voice trailed off, but his eyes pierced into hers. He was suddenly confident again. “But now, I don’t really mind.” He grinned sheepishly.

“Okay.” She kissed him.

“Did you see the photos?” He asked, pulling her into an embrace.

“Yes!” She was filled with sudden excitement and glee. “I think I just realized what I want my kids to look like!”

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