25. The Newest Family Member.

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Check out Liam and Haylee's photograph (the one mentioned in this chapter)! It's attached here! :)

“This is our living room. Mom decorated it herself!” Haylee explained to Faith. “She likes giving a personal touch to everything.”

“It’s so beautiful!” Faith kept staring at the room in awe. It was indeed lovely. She touched the pink roses kept in an elegant vase that was the size of her upper body. The décor was very feminine.

“How does Liam live in here? It’s so girly!” Faith chuckled.

“Yeah I know, and his bedroom, don’t even start with me on that one. You’d be shocked! Haylee rolled her eyes.

“I want to see!” Faith made a puppy face.

“Let’s go then!” Haylee chuckled.

“Not so fast, ladies.” Liam entered, holding up the key to his bedroom in his hands. “Don’t you think you’d need these?” He smirked, “Which you’re clearly not getting.”

Haylee ran and snatched it from him, and headed over to his bedroom after calling him a loser. She did it in the blink of an eye.

“Mom!” Liam complained. “Am I not welcome in my own house anymore? Will you just look at Hayles?”

“Oh, honey, she’s super excited to meet Faith. Just let her be.”

Faith and Haylee raced up the stairs with enthusiasm. Haylee unlocked Liam’s bedroom door, and went up to the window and pulled apart the curtains. The sunlight illuminated the bedroom, and what lay in front of Faith’s eyes was mesmerizing. She had been expecting a typical guy’s bedroom like Logan- disorganized and full of posters of soccer stars or pretty models. But his bedroom was a whole different story. It was a huge room, done in black and white only. It was surprisingly clean. No posters on the walls, no stuff scattered all around, and no guy stuff.

“Oh my God.” She gasped. “This is so… not a guy’s room.”

“I know right? I told you so!” Haylee leaned against the door.

Faith ventured inside and took a closer look. The desk was neatly organized with files. There was a huge bookshelf that held at least a hundred books – and pretty good ones at that. The bed was huge, which reminded her of the bed at La Cielle and how Liam would spread out his arms and legs when he was sleeping. There were a few framed photographs in various sizes that adorned a large black wall. There was a picture of his whole family back from when his dad was alive, a photo of Liam on his graduation day, one of Haylee’s birthday and a few more precious moments captured on the camera.

However, there was a huge photo right in the centre which Faith especially liked. It was a photo of Liam and Haylee together. Liam’s eyebrows were both arched and he looked like he was trying not to laugh out. His dimples graced both the sides of his face, while Haylee looked really cute. It was a simple photograph, but it was evident how much lobe they shared.

“He really loves you Haylee!” faith said, still looking at the picture and smiling.

“Yeah, and I love him more. He’s literally the best brother ever!” Haylee beamed. “Call me Hayles by the way.”

“Okay, Hayles. I really like these photos! I want to see more! You know… childhood photographs?” She bit her lower lip.

“Yeah sure, I won’t make a fuss.” Liam peeked in through the door. “Because I was an exceptionally cute baby.”

Faith and Haylee both sighed and rolled their eyes, as he continued talking.

“However.” He raised his index finger. “I’m starving. So will you please grace us with your presence at the dining table?”




“Oh my God chocolate cake!” Faith literally screamed when Margaret put out a cake in front of her. “That’s like my absolute favorite! By the way, do you need help?” She offered kindly.

“No dear, that’s alright.” Margaret smiled back. “I could have hired help if I wanted.”

“Yeah, bro is loaded.” Haylee said, cutting out a piece from the cake. “But mom doesn’t allow any help inside the house. It’s just me, her and Liam. We even clean our rooms ourselves.”

Faith was impressed. These people were turning out to be nicer than she thought. “That’s so nice.”

Margaret was an exceptionally good cook. Every dish she had prepared was an absolute delicacy! The chocolate cake, especially, tasted like heaven. Faith was giving out her weird expressions again as she enjoyed it. Liam noticed this and kicked her under the table.

“Ouch!” She squeaked. “What was that for?”

“I think I know!” Haylee chuckled. “Hopefully, mom doesn’t!”

After the late breakfast, Faith wanted to take a shower. So she asked Liam where she would be staying. Before he could answer, Haylee happily invited her into her room.

“With me!” She raised her hand playfully. “In my room! Period.”

“No way!” Liam retorted. He was going to tell her that Faith would be staying in his room. But then he realized that this was his home, not a hotel in a faraway country.

“Why?” Haylee made a disgusted face. “Mom!”

“Fine, fine!” Liam screamed, looking at Faith as his shoulders drooped with a sigh. “Take her. All yours.”

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