29. A Step Ahead.

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She had barely finished reading the text when the door of Haylee’s bedroom slowly creaked. As he peeked in, his tall figure formed a silhouette against the light coming into the room. He slowly tiptoed into the room, and before she could even utter a word, his hands were around her waist and he lifted her up.

“Shh!” He scolded her, as she tried to speak. She obeyed and remained silent.

When they were inside his room, he kicked the door shut and walked to his bed. Faith looked around and gasped at his beautiful room once more. If she ever got married to him, this would be her room as well, she thought. Immediately after, she blushed at her thoughts. He laid her down on his bed. It was rather comfortable, and Faith adjusted herself as if this was her permanent place for the night, squirming and wiggling into his blanket.

“You’re so cute!” Liam chuckled.

“Thank you, but why exactly did you bring me here?” She inquired as she played with the fabric of the comforter.

“Because I hurt your leg, and I said that I would take care of it.” He pressed his lips together, which made his dimples appear on his cheeks.

“Well…” She blushed, “Go ahead then. “ She could barely contain the grin that threatened to outdo the length of her lips, as she stared at him in a very, very creepy manner, before finally breaking her gaze.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, and held her leg in his palms. He brought it up and rested it on himself. “Now, where does it hurt?”

“Everywhere…” She chuckled. “On the leg, I mean.”

He hid a smile and bent down, and gave her a delicate kiss on her leg. She was expecting him to massage her leg or apply some medicine, but she didn’t see this coming. Her body held up millions of tiny goose bumps as his lips came in contact with her skin.

“Ow…” She let out a soft cry. “That… that is so sweet. And ticklish.”

“Does it hurt anymore?” He playfully asked.

“Not a bit.” She sat up. “But it hurts here.” She stuck out her lips like a baby. “And here, and here and here.” She giggled as she pointed to various parts of her body in a mocking

“I might take that seriously, Faith.” He suddenly turned serious. “I might actually take away the pain from every place that you just mentioned. Or are still mentioning.” He pointed to her hand.

Faith located her hand. It was right in the middle of her chest, and Liam was looking her in the eye, not even a faint smile on his face. Her heart started beating really fast, as she freaked out before he could say anything else.

“Wh-what?” She quickly removed her hand, faltering in speaking properly.

“You know what Faith.” He suddenly inched closer to her, trying hard not to laugh.

Faith shifted back, but hit the headboard. She couldn’t move back any further. “Liam…” but then, as if a sudden change of heart occurred, she stopped trying to move away from him, and stayed still in her place.

Liam was taken aback when she did that; his plan wasn’t quite like this. He thought she would freak out and cry, and then throw pillows at him. He would laugh and cuddle her until she wasn’t upset anymore. But this was the last thing that he had been expecting. He withdrew himself and sat down on the bed. “I was just playing with you.” He asked, almost as if it was a question.

“I wasn’t.” She answered, not looking away for a single moment.

He had no idea what to say next. He shuttled his eyes between Faith and the corner of the room, all this while, an unsure smile on his face. “What happened to her?!’ He thought. He was the one freaking out now.

“Are you just going to sit there or what?” She rolled her eyes. “Why do I have to initiate everything first?”

He chuckled in disbelief and out of embarrassment. She was right, though. Liam thought over the whole thing. He hadn’t even confessed to her yet. Would it be okay to take things to second base? A confident and approving smile from Faith gave him his answer. He leaned forward, towering over her, as she crawled up like a tiny person in front of him. She caught hold of his shirt, and undid the first button, as he graced his lips over her neck. As he proceeded to her lips, a loud bang on the door disrupted their session.

“Liam you moron! Open up!” Haylee’s voice greeted them in the most unpleasant way.

“Fuck you! Seriously?” He muttered, as he pulled away from her.

Faith was sweaty and breathless. “Open the door. She doesn’t sound very happy.” She said, with eyes lowered. She was shying away from his gaze.

He got off the bed reluctantly. He looked really annoyed as he told her, his cheeks flushing red. “I was totally in the mood.”

Faith couldn’t help but laugh at his words. He walked to the door after Haylee banged on it for the second time.

“What?” He glared at his sister as he opened the door and put his arm on the frame so that she couldn’t just barge into the room.

“How could you just take her away? Do you know how scared I was? What were….” Her eyes travelled to his shirt, unbuttoned at the top. “Oh.” She suppressed a smile. “I’m so sorry!” She was laughing now, embarrassed and amused at the same time.

“Come in. Moron.” He moved his hand away to clear the way for her. He was still most displeased and fake clawed her from the back as she made her way towards Faith.

“Oh my God I’m so sorry!” She said as she pulled her by the hand. “You have to tell me everything. Every. Thing.” She instructed in whispers loud enough for Liam to hear, which made the whole purpose of whispering futile anyway.

He helplessly watched as his sister took his girl away. “I thought she was my girlfriend, not yours!” he screamed at her.

Haylee turned around and gave him an indifferent expression. “Jesus, she’s all yours. It’ll just be a minute, I promise!”

Haylee locked her bedroom door and turned around with excitement. “Details!”

“But nothing even happened.” Faith clarified.

“You’re smiling!” Haylee crossed her arms, and then folded them as she jumped. “Please, Faith please. Tell me!”

“I swear Hales, nothing happened. Well, something would have happened if you were still sleeping.”

“Oh, well.” She believed her now.

“However.” Faith added. “There is something I can tell you.”

“What?” Haylee’s eyes widened.

All the cute moments she had spent with Liam flashed in front of her eyes. The way they fought with each other, the way he made fun of her, the way he took care of her, the way he was protective about her, everything! She took in a deep breath before admitting it to Haylee and to herself.

“I think I might be falling in love with him.”

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