39. Love Bites

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Faith felt something bright hit her eyelids. She opened her eyes and looked around. It was morning, and the wind was cold. She shivered and looked beside her. Liam was still asleep. She recollected how she didn’t want to go inside after they had sex, and Liam brought a pillow and sheets to the terrace, after which they had fallen asleep. She ran her fingers through his light brown hair, and he mumbled something in his sleep. He had his shirt on, though unbuttoned, and Faith admired his cuteness before waking him up.

“Get up…” She said softly as she gently tapped on his chest. Liam was a light sleeper, and Faith’s gesture was enough to wake him up.

He first looked around him and then rubbed his eyes, before finally sitting up. “Good morning.” He mumbled and made a pouty face.

“Good morning.” Faith aped his expression and planted a peck on his lips. “Come on. Let’s go inside.”

They took turns at taking showers and getting ready in Liam’s bathroom. She had moved her stuff from Haylee’s to Liam’s room, and Margaret seemed to be fine with it. Haylee, though a little sad, still understood that they needed to be together. When Faith was done, she stepped out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. Liam was still shirtless, lying on the bed, fiddling with his phone.

“I love your bathroom! My entire bedroom could fit in there!” She exclaimed.

“Well, if you want to go back in there, I’ll be glad to join you.” He replied cheekily.

“Shut up.” She made a face. “Aren’t you happy with last night?” She asked, expecting a positive answer.

“It was great. Can’t you tell?” He pointed to the dimpled smile that adorned his face.

“Well, same here!” She half twirled, before coming back to normalcy. “Wear this today.” She handed him a shirt which she had picked out and kept aside on the bed.

“Make me wear it.” He shifted his glance at Faith.

She chuckled but agreed. “Alright. Come on. I’ll do your hair and makeup too!” She chuckled.

“Hah! Hilarious.” He rolled his eyes, as he walked over to his dressing area. Faith held out the shirt for him to put his arms through the sleeves, but stopped him when she noticed something unusual.

“Hey, what’s that?” She pointed to red scratch marks on his arms and back. “Oh.” The realization hit her.

“Yup. That would be you.” He said in a way that accentuated his dimples.

“I’m so sorry…Oh my God!” She was shocked at what she saw in the mirror. She ran forward to get a better view of it. “What is this? Oh my God!” She freaked out as she rubbed the red mark on her neck.

“And that!” Liam began, knowing exactly what it was. “Would be me.”

“Is this a love bite? This is what it looks like?” Faith turned her head so she could have a proper look.

“You bet. I gave you your first hickey.” He said through clenched teeth, but in a cheerful manner. He came forward and hugged her from behind.

“Oh, but now everybody will know.” She frowned as she threw her head back into his chest.

“Cover it up with makeup. That’s what everybody does.” He suggested.

“Alright. I will. First get dressed.” She ordered and put the shirt on him. After Liam was all set to leave for office they headed downstairs, but Faith forgot to conceal the mark on her neck. As soon as she was in the living room, she saw Haylee at her usual spot in front of the TV.

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