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Liam checked his watch and grunted in frustration. The Paris weather was still cold even in mid-February. "After one full year and almost four months of dating, why does she still ignore the fact that I hate people who are not punctual?"

"Calm down, man." Logan said. "She takes a lot of time to get dressed and you know that."

"Yeah, but today?!"

"I understand. But please keep your cool. Not today."

Even though everybody knew Liam was taken, women he was acquainted with still kept trying. Today, his phone vibrated every five minutes or so, notifying him of a new text that wished him a happy Valentine's day and something else.

He didn't even pay attention to it. His eyes were fixed on the door, waiting for Faith to come out so that they could proceed with their plans. But she was taking forever, and Liam's temper was getting the better of him.

"There she is!" An excited Haylee screamed.

"Whoa." Logan quirked his eyebrows. "Is that really my sister?"

Liam was totally, honestly and utterly at a severe loss of words. His lips separated in awe, and he kept staring. Faith looked so pretty and elegant that all his anger vanished into thin air. The wait was definitely worth this.

He had the most beautiful bride in the world.

As she walked down the aisle with her dad, she took small nervous steps, but an endearing smile adorned her face. Her dad gave her away and went back to his seat. As Faith stood in front of Liam now, she looked at him and smiled through her veil.

He was still under her spell. Every passing day, she seemed to get prettier and prettier. But today, she had definitely reached the peak! While she stared at the priest who spoke, Liam stared at her face.

They joined hands as the priest instructed and exchanged their wedding vows.

"Do you, Faith Connor, take Liam Armstrong to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." She displayed her smile again.

"Do you, Liam Armstrong, take Faith Connor to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

They exchanged rings and the church echoed with claps.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Liam lifted her veil and stepped closer to her. He smiled at her before pressing his lips against hers and kissing his wife. He felt like she belonged to him completely now, and suddenly felt more protective and loving than he had felt before.

As their lips separated amidst the cheers and claps, congratulations poured in to the newly wedded couple.

"What happens in Paris, keeps happening in Paris again and again." Haylee teased. "Congratulations you guys! You got married on Valentine's day in Paris! What could possibly be better?!"

"Congrats, man. Congrats, bitch. You're married. I can't even believe it!" Logan chuckled.

Liam however, had one more thing to remind Faith of. He pulled her closer and whispered into her ears after a quick peck on her cheek.

"I love you, now and forever."

Sooooooo... *sobs* I can't believe this story ended! But it ended on a happy note, and Liam and Faith are happy, so I am happy too :D I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! DON'T MISS THE ATTACHED PHOTO!! Thank you for supporting my book, please vote and comment ♡ As far as a sequel is concerned, hmmm... I don't really know! Time will tell :D But yes, I definitely have another story lined up. It's called DIY Girlfriend, so definitely check out the blurb, because that's all I've got so far lol. Thank you for your support, read, comment, vote and read my other book too if it interests you :) Have a nice day!

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