30. A Ride To Remember.

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Faith was sleeping peacefully. It was a Sunday, and Liam would be home. She was dreaming about the last night, and a smile spread on her lips. Then she could hear Haylee's voice, and see Liam pulling away. "Hey!" Haylee screamed. Faith furrowed her eyebrows.

"Hey! Wake up!" The voice called again. "It's so late!"

Faith slowly opened one eye. She realized that Haylee was calling her in reality. She groggily got up and rubbed her eyes. "Hey. Good morning."

"Good morning! You have a date and you're still not ready!" Haylee put her hands on her hips.

"I have a date?" Faith's eyes were fully open and she wasn't a bit groggy now. "When did that happen?" She threw out her right arm, palm facing up.

"Well..." Haylee looked around the room. "It happened right now! I told him that..."

"You told him what?" Faith got up, terrified. "You told him what?"

"That you guys should go out..." Haylee looked at Faith in horror, as the latter held her by the shoulders in a strong grip.

"Oh. Oooohh!" Faith laughed when she understood. "What did he say?"

"He said he had been planning a date the entire night. After I took you away!" Haylee smiled, biting her lips. "He's totally smitten by you! I have never seen him do such sweet things, trust me!" She gushed.

Faith's cheeks flushed and she couldn't contain her excitement. It was all so incredibly mushy and sweet! He had been planning a date the entire night. "Oh my God he was up?"

"Pfff!" Haylee chuckled. "Probably only until he came up with ideas for a nice date!"

"Oh my God, when is it?" Faith was bubbling with energy once again. "I haven't even brushed my teeth yet!"

"I don't know, ask him. You better get ready real fast. If you take too long, he'll leave you behind and go on a date with himself. You know how he is." Haylee shrugged.

"Yeah, I should really get going!" she stormed out of the room. Within seventeen minutes, she was all ready. Faith was shocked at her own speed. She had never done this so quick in her entire life! All she had to do now was put on some make up and do her hair. She straightened her hair hurriedly, and put on her makeup soon after. She wanted to look her best for the date. She was all ready, and she decided to surprise him by being on time.

She walked to his door and turned the knob, anticipating his reaction when he would see her. She giggled to herself and entered the room, but he wasn't there. She decided to sit on his bed and wait. The minute she sat down, a door opened. She snapped her head to the direction from which she heard the sound. There he was, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, coming out of the washroom.

"Oopsie." Faith blurted as she took in the sight in front of her eyes, but the girl wouldn't even look away.

"Hey..." Liam drew his eyebrows closer to each other. "What are you doing here?"

She didn't quite catch that. She was busy noticing how his wet hair had tiny strands stick up in all directions, while droplets of water made their way down his chiseled torso, almost as if it was a pathway within a maze. "Huh?" She blankly asked, before adding. "I was just..."

"Well, when this happened to you, I looked away." He smirked. "You, however, can't seem to look away, can you?"

"What? No!" She crossed her arms.

"I don't mind." He added, taking steps towards her. Her heartbeat quickened and her throat went dry.

Liam was now in front of her. He bent and whispered in her ear, as he circled his arms around her waist. "I'm going to need to change. Are you gonna sit and watch?"

Faith was completely embarrassed. She swatted his arm away and got up. "You are shameless!" She couldn't stop her smile. "Be quick! I'm all dressed up!" She snapped a finger and left the room.




Faith checked the big clock on the wall of the living room. It had been ten minutes and he was still in there. "Well, who's taking too much time now?" She cried at his door and rolled her eyes. "Ugh! Fast, Liam."

"I'm done, I'm done! Chill!" He came out of his room, wearing an all black attire. Faith stared at him with a weird expression on her face. "What?" He asked.

"How come you always end up looking better than I do?" she crossed her arms and frowned. "This isn't fair! You just...you don't even do anything! You just put on clothes and shades and you look like a damn Greek God." She snatched his sunglasses and put them on herself. "Let's go."

He snatched them back and grabbed her wrist, dragging her with himself. "Mom! I'll be back soon!"

As they were outside, Faith noticed something peculiar. They weren't walking to the parking space where all his cars were. Instead, they walked in the opposite direction. A small room cane into view. It had a grey shutter, and she hadn't noticed it before. He let go of her hand and walked to the shutter. He thrust it open and the interior of the room was now visible. Faith now knew what his plan was.

"Oh my God." She chuckled, as she took in the scene before her. It was a really wicked looking motorbike, and her heart fluttered at the mere idea of riding it with him.

Liam brought it outside and smiled at her. He sat on the front seat and put on his helmet. Faith found it really attractive and gaped at her boyfriend. She tugged at her polka dotted dress and tilted her head, taking in the view.

"Hop on!" He instructed, his hands on the handles as he took full control of the front fork. She obeyed and climbed onto the bike, grabbing Liam's waist for support. She had never ridden a motorcycle in her life, let alone behind a guy! She was nervous, but also excited.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Hell yeah!"

He started the engine and the noise filled their surroundings, as they drove off along the road. The wind seemed to be faster than ever, as it hit Faith's face, leaving behind a soothing feeling. The wind messed with her hair and she swayed, as if there was music playing.

"Liam, I want to try what they do in the movies!" She said loudly so it was audible.

"You want to try what?" he asked her, before realizing. "Hey Bambi! You'd fall off and hurt yourself. Those cool things aren't meant for a klutz like you."

"But I want to do it!" She whined and tugged at his collar.

"Oh my God you'll choke me!" He cried. "Fine! Do it! Just keep holding on to me."

She immediately clasped on to his shoulders as tight as she could. She slowly lifted her feet and rested them upon the rear suspension of the motorcycle. She propped herself up now, and slowly brought her knee to the seat. She wanted to let go of him and spread out her arms too, but Liam would kill her if she tried to pull that off. Her hair was flying back in the direction of the wind and she felt wild and free. She laughed out loud because she was truly enjoying herself. She felt like she had everything she wanted at that moment. She slowly came back to her original position and settled down behind him. She held him tightly around his waist, and rested her head on his back after planting a kiss on his shoulder.

"Hey Bambi!" He called out to her, struggling to maintain audibility.

"Hmm?" She softly responded.

"I'm in love with you!"

Hello!! So I'm halfway through my book (Or so I guess!) Please leave your feedback in the comments section! How do you like the story this far? They've both realized that they are in love with each other!! Also, check out the attached photos! What do you want to see happen next? :)

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