43. Aftereffects Of A Goodbye.

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Liam stood still in his place, the note in his hand. He reread it over and over, for the lack of a better idea. The words on that little piece of paper seemed to shoot through his heart. It was like there was suddenly a big void inside him. He couldn’t believe it at first, but then he let the feeling sink in. She was gone.

Haylee held the door open and walked in. “She’s gone, isn’t she?”

He kept quiet, his gaze downwards on the note. Haylee walked closer to him and took the note from his hand. “Oh my God.” She covered her mouth as the note fell from her hand. “She was right there, sleeping in my room. And all of a sudden, we couldn’t find her.” She said slowly and quietly. “I tried to call you, but your phone was switched off.”

“Why did she leave like that?” he asked in a low voice, and it seemed like he was almost crying. “Why does everyone leave me like that?”

“Liam…” Haylee shook her head, devastated as she realized what a mess her brother was at that moment.

“No Hayles. No! I pour my heart out to them, and they just always…” He folded his fist and banged it on the table. He panted heavily, and then he couldn’t help the tear that slipped out of his eye. His breathing turned into crying, as he dropped to the floor.

“Liam!” Haylee rushed forward and hugged him from the back. “It’s gonna be okay, shhh…”

“No, it’s not. It’s over.” He cried. “Everything is just…finished.”

Haylee comforted him and kissed him on the head, but she knew how hurt he was. He had only cried once in his life. That was when their dad had succumbed to death. This was only the second time, and it was pretty obvious how much Faith meant to him.

“Mommy!” Haylee called out, hoping that Margaret could do a better job at consoling him. “Liam please…”

Margaret walked through the door, and her sad eyes widened when she saw what a mess her child was.

“Oh, Liam honey.” She came forward and hugged him. “It’ll be okay.”

Haylee stood up and looked at her brother. In all honesty, she was pissed at Faith. She loved the girl, but this was her brother here. She had made him cry. Why did she just leave like that without an explanation? She wanted to know what exactly happened between them. She immediately called her, but her phone was still switched off. Haylee decided to talk to Liam once he was feeling better.

Faith walked towards the plane with heavy baggage and an even heavier heart. She turned around several times to see if he was there, but her hopes went down every time she saw he wasn’t. She boarded the plane and settled down in her seat. The ticket he had booked for her was a first class one, and she couldn’t help but notice how cool it looked. A single seat and a mini television for each person. She immediately missed him. It would have been so much better had he accompanied her to New York. She settled down in her seat, and threw her head back against the headrest. She drifted off to sleep.

“I love you, Faith.” He whispered in her ears as he held her hand, seated in his private jet.

“I can’t believe you’re going to New York with me.”

“But I am.” He flashed that million dollar smile.

His angelic face faded away into darkness, as Faith’s eyes shot open. She saw the newly acquainted surroundings of the plane, and realized that it was just a dream. She sighed and tried to hold back her tears. This was the last place where she wanted to cry.

It had been an hour since Liam had talked to his mother or sister. He had locked himself up in his room. He was clearly just torn and devastated.

“Why do you think she suddenly disappeared?” Margaret asked.

“I don’t know. I’m really angry with Faith.” She frowned. “But I am sure there’s a reason behind it. Maybe they had a fight?”

“I think you are right. Did you notice how upset she looked this morning?”

They heard a doorknob click and snapped their head towards the sound. Liam had finally unlocked his door. Haylee rushed towards his room.

“Hey. You better now?” She peeked in through the door.

“No.” He replied in a dead tone.

“Tell me what happened.”

“That’s none of your business.” He snapped.

“Oh crap. Looks like Faith took away your changed self along with her.”

Liam glared at her, and she nervously smiled. “I’m just kidding. So, tell me what happened.”

“She wanted me to go to New York with her.”

“And you didn’t go because…?” She furrowed her eyebrows, waiting for a valid answer.

“What do you mean? I have so much work here. I already lost two weeks when I was in Paris.”

“Okay, okay. Then you said no. And she got upset. And she left? Faith isn’t that fragile!”

“We had a fight. I yelled at her.” He looked down, hands shoved into his pockets.

“You yelled at her?” Haylee crossed her arms.

“Twice.” Liam was nervous now. Suddenly, Haylee seemed to be the older sibling.

“Liam, you should have at least said sorry! But no matter how I look at it, I think she overreacted. Have you tried calling her?”

“No, and I won’t.” He turned around.

“No, don’t be that way.” She grabbed his shoulders and turned him around to face her. “Relax, okay? Give this a little time. What kind of couples break up on their first fight?”

Liam looked at her. He realized that his sister was right. But he was very hurt and angry at how Faith had left without saying a proper goodbye. All the feelings that he had experienced on his prom night due to Scarlett had rushed back. It had felt like his world had come crashing down again. But he knew that Haylee was talking sense. He needed to believe in the love that they shared. Faith’s words from their day at the beach echoed in his mind.

“Faith…” He had whispered. “Never, ever leave me.”

“Never.” She had looked into his eyes with a sincere promise.

He felt a chill in the pit of his stomach. This couldn’t be the end. This wasn't Scarlett; history was NOT repeating itself. This was Faith, the girl who had fallen in love with him unconditionally; the girl who had made him find himself again. His Bambi would never ever leave him. She had made a promise.

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