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It was pitch dark, with the only sound that is heard is the hoarse breath of someone, breathing irregularly, walking slowly in to nothingness.

"Hello! Mother! Mother!! Please answer!!".

The Little boy cried and cried but receive nothing but silence. That is when he saw a door suddenly appeared out of nowhere, the door silently creaked open on it's own with a faint light peaking it's way through. The 3 year old felt a sense of hope seaping it's way through him as he ran calling for help, making his way towards the door. No matter how fast he ran it felt like he was taking twice the feet back, but that did not stop the little one to ran even faster. He ran and ran, getting frustratred and miserable as he had not even seem to take one step towards reaching that door. He suddenly slip and fell on the the ground, eyes crying rivers of fall.

"Mother", his soft voice called cracking from shouting and bawling too much. Untill-


A high pitch voice echoed through out the room causing the sixteenth year old boy to fall from out of his bed,on the floor with a loud thud, as the loud sound of his alarm clock breaking the once silent room.


"Jimin your going to be late for your first day at school!!" his mother shouted from down stairs.

The pink hair boy groan while rubbing his hurt plump ass before getting up from off the ground, quickly making his way to the bathroom to shower. After fifteen minutes he came out to get dress. Wearing a baby blue long sleeve sweat shirt that was too big for him and reach his mid thigh, a black tight jeans pants that perfectly show off his thick juicy thigh and fat butt, then slowly went to put on his black timberlands and finish touching up his face with a bit of makeup, he then brush his long hair that drop on his shoulder with short bangs covering his forehead.

He make his way downstairs greeting his mother with a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning honey, did you slept well", the 40 year old woman said.

" yes mother, except for that weird dream and falling off my bed. I perfectly slept well" the pink hair boy sarcastically replied and went to the dining chair to eat his breakfast. "Why did you wake me so early mom, it's barley to 7 and school doesn't starts until 8:30" the boy complains.

"Because it's your first day at school and I want you to reach as early as possible, you always slept in, so I just gave you a little boost" his mother counter back.

The strawberry hair groan.

" But mother. Even so, you wake me too early" Jimin continued to whine.

Mrs Park sigh, making her way to do the dishes. "Jimin. Baby. Considering how far your school is, it takes about half a hour to reach school. Now hurry up and eat your breakfast so your not late, I have work to do and I don't want to be late because of my whiny son" my mother stated, chuckling while putting the finish rinse plates and utensils in the kitchen cupboard.

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