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"SUNDAY!" Jimin exclaimed,  as he hopped out of the bed and rush into the shower to get a warm bath. Jimin was livid to meet the boy once more, he couldn't wait to see how this day would turned between the both of them. After the shower, he went to put on his clothes. A cream cloured oversizde cardigan, with a loose white top and a blue cut Jeans. Finishing off with a van white shoes, and his hair style in a chignon bun.

Just in the same time when Jimin was done preparing his self, he heard a sound from a car, a gesture that shows that Jungkook had arrived. Wearing his bright beautiful smile he didn't waste any time to go meet him. Chuckling when he found him standing in front of his car, his Mercedes-Benz, with his hands folded at his chest. That surely has to be his favourite. Jimin thought.

"Hey" he greeted, beckoning the boy to his car before he wend his way in that direction his self.

"where are we going hyung?".

".......It's a surprised" Jungkook with hesitance answered, giving the boy a brief glance before chuckling at how cute he looks pouting.


"I hate surprises, especially when you are that eager to find out" Jimin replied, his brows knited and lips twisted in a frown.

"Is that so, well you have to wait beautiful", the boy give a suppressed laugh, rolling his eyes in a scornful manner as he looked away from the older.

"Whatever" he wash away, studying his reflection in the car window. An adequate smile was present on his face once he remember the older boy words. Beautiful huh~ he chimed playing with the strands of his hair, while lost in his own world, a sense of duty to look his utmost best buggled his thoughts.


None of them took the chance to talk, they sat there beside each other, loss of courage to try and say anything. An equanimity and yet nervewrecking silence take over the room, her eyes puffy and nose red from tears; staring the boy down with clouded eyes. She had guess why he had come to her house, but choose to hear it from the boy himself instead of staying ignorant and throwing him out. Ofcourse half it is that she didn't have the energy to play tough and heartless with him, and thus wanted to at least give him a chance to redeem his sincerity towards her.

Swallowing her pride she choose to be the one to break the ice.

"Why are you here Taehyung, if you come here to apologize I don't need-".

"That's not it!".

He shouted out of breath. His head shot up from the floor, Miyako, feeling a bit startled from his glaring eyes  decided to keep her mouth shut, biting her own lips as she looked away. He tuttered and ruffled his hair, sitting up straight in the couch to get his body more relaxed, a sigh left his lips as he gaze up at the ceiling of the house.

"I just wanted to tell you something", he started. I didn't feel the least bit interested in what he wanted to tell me, although that was my true notion I still try to hear him out, putting my own sentiment aside for now. He began to speak again.

"At that time, I was a wimp to even know what was going on. For being a true idiot I hurted you. I was still in the dark to what was going on, I didn't know you would find a guy like me attractive, or even develop some sort of fatuation towards me either, so much that it became like a shock to me. Leaving you there was the biggest regret I have ever make, and I had wish I had never make that choice as well. Ever since I first met you I have loved you Miyako, and to know that the girl i love had love me back is like a dream come true. I wish time and time again for this day to come and I would not leave it for the world. You may or will be angry with me but- I hope you can find it deep within your heart to forgive me. I love you so much Miyako so please".

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