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There will be shut in this chapter, sorry to anyone who Don't like this stuff, and if you don't just skip ahead.☺


"Jungkook-ah stop!" Jimin shouted dying with laughter, trying to fight the boy off who was holding him on the bed, and tickling him.

"If you want me to stop. Kiss me" Jungkook teased watching Jimin slump back into the bed, oddly out of breath. Without thinking much of it, he went up to kiss his boyfriend, soon after it becomes sloppy, as Jimin legs trapped Jungkook between his body.

Currently today, the two love birds was spending there quality time with each other. Jimin had decided beforehand to invite Jungkook over. And Jungkook ofcourse, agreed on the idea, since he was off helping his father at work for 3 days.

The two ended the session with Jimin who licked and bite his lovers lips.

"Jungkook?" Jimin called and Jungkook hummed, with his head stuff in Jimin's neck.

"Uhm. I've been wondering about this a lot. And I think I am ready to. Do it" Jimin muttered. The boy in his arms grew shocked at what he heard but choose to play oblivious about it.

"What are you talking about babe?" Jungkook asked, a smile set around his lips.

"You know, thoes things that couples do in their private lives" Jimin answered, too shy to be straightforward and say the word. But Jungkook wants him to say it, so he continue to play dumb.

"Hm, things couple do in their private lives huh" he repeated, placing his hand under his chin to show he was pondering about it"ah-huh! eating popcorn and watching Netflix?" He said more like a question.

"No! Jungkook stop playing with me!".

"But I am being serious!" Jungkook replied in the same whiny voice Jimin gave him. This cause Jimin to rolled his eyes and hit him.

With a sigh he thought he should just come out with it and say what he wants. "I- want us. To have sex" Jimin pouted, a red hue evident on his cheeks. Jungkook laugh and sat up in the bed.

"As much as you make me horny without trying. Don't you think it's a little too early in our realtionship. I may not complain about it, but I am sure it's a different story with your mom" Jungkook explain and Jimin push his lips out more.

"My mom won't say anything, as long as you wear condom we are fine. And,  that woman was the one talking about having kid this and that, which is a bit weird coming from a mom, since I am still 16" Jimin said as a matter of factly.

"Well what if you do?".

Jimin turns his head away "I promise I won't, so you don't have to worry.... Jungkook please, I really want to do it" for a moment Jungkook was silent. He really didn't want to do it so early, but they should be okay if he wear protectives right .

" Fine, if you are that eager. But we won't go all the way" Jungkook warn and Jimin smile with a nod.



Jimin took his shirt off and layed on the bed, dragging Jungkook along so he hovers him. Jungkook began to trace butterfly kisses over his body, and down to which he stop at his pinkish nipple; sucking on it causing Jimin to mewl. He smirk at the sound and continues, giving it a soft bite resulting in it becoming hard. His hands then travelles up Jimins legs and to his thigh, giving it a lift before he rock his hips between them. The boy whimpered at the funny sensation, and wrapped his legs and hands around the muscled figure. He push him to lie down on his back, startling Jungkook as the man watch how he went on top of him. Jimin began to move his hip over his crotch area. Whining when he didn't get the full feeling of the pleasure. "C-can't I take it off, i-it's blocking it from my hole" he breathe out...."I told you we won't go all the way, didn't I" Jimin  pout. "But, it so hard not to" His voice cut off as he lets out a soft moan and began to slowly pick up more speed. Groaning and moaning at the bulge under his butt. "Ah! J-Jungkook. It's" the man flip him over, putting him in doggy position as he swiftly took off his pants and underwear. Jimin gasp when Jungkook place a finger inside him, "Ah! Ah! Ah!" He repeatedly moan when Jungkook frequently starts to move it, he then soon add two more, as Jimin scream once again "Ah! Jungkook!", the taller twist it inside and push it further, causing the shorter moans to become louder at each thrust "Ah! More! Jungkook m-mo- Ah!" Jungkook groan and took off his pants and boxers, "I know I said we won't go all the way but, you have condoms right" Jimin in daze nodded; pointing over to a chester table. Jungkook smirk "you are not so innocent, aren't you baby" he growled and went over to take out a pack, that was Just the right size when he put it on. He turn Jimin on his back, and starts to kiss him, lifting both his feet up before he position his penis in front of his hole. At the soft feeling Jimin moan "Ah! Jungkook you look so big, too big! Is it going to fit" Jimin let out a miled breath, but Jungkook without answering, thrust his thick and huge veiny penis into him making Jimin shout and choke at the impact, tears trickled from his eyes. "AHH! NO! JUNGKOOK!" Jimin hands tighten around Jungkook sweaty bicep as he cried out in pain "shh, it'll feel better soon" Jungkook cooed, kissing his tears away. This makes Jimin pout, "Why is it so big?" He asked in which Jungkook gave a blank stare before laughing.

He wasn't lying though, Jungkook was indeed huge. According to Jimin his penis looks about 8 or 8.5 inch. While his was 4. Feeling a bit envious, he kept staring down there, face glum and pouty.

"You don't have to be sad about it, after all, it's indeed all yours" Jungkook commented as Jimin rolled his eyes. "Better be". He gave him a deep kiss, capturing his tounge in his mouth as he plays with it. He rock his hips back and forth; moving hard and fast abusing the boy hole. Jungkook swallowed Jimin every moan, as Jimin's nails digs into his skin. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" The loud sound covered the room, and bounces off the walls. "Jungkook!". Like music to the male ear, the pink boy continuously scream.

They fall back into the bed, chest heaving up and down in each others arms. Sticking sweatily together.

"That was really amazing! But somehow my mind tell me I won't be walking much tomorrow. Why does it have to be so big!" Jimin exclaimed, sending the boy a glare.

"You are amazing as well. A wonderful power uke" Jungkook praises in which he received a hit from the boy. The pink hair male shift  his body away from his partner, still jealous and still thinking about how big it was, moreover, he was mostly reflecting on his new found skill, the skill to take all of Jungkook in. A real mystery is what he thought.


😂😂😂😂Sorry about my crappy way of writing smut, I am not too good at these stuff I might say. But Trust me, I try😅

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