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NB: That is what Eric I supposed looked like, well not really, but something like that😅But if you want him to look like I that, you can💁I mean, yeah



Haruhi gulped, looking into his wickedly bright green eyes, a smirk present over his lips. I scream into my head at the thought, how could he asked such a question. How shameful of him. Before I could get up and run away, a strong enough hands brought me back into my seat trapping me; with both his hands held at the left and right handle of the chair.

His face dangerously close to mine, instead of his smile slowly falling, it began getting wider at each situation.
"I am not! Doing it!" I shouted once I simmer down.

"Pft. And what makes you think you have any say in this. Last time you did you told me that I should (give you a sec). And that was last week during trip, now you are telling me you don't want to do it. Don't kid yourself Haruhi" Eric shot back and went over to the bed to sit.

"Hey come on tell me, Haruhi!" Eric shouted running after the boy, who was trying to get away from him. Why am I so unfortunate, Haruhi wonders before his feet had came to a stop.

"Fine I'll tell you or do anything you want" he said, visualizing a smug face as he think up on a great plan.


"Yeah, but that's not all-" Haruhi snickered, what a great plan this is. He thought.

"You have to play a game with me" he suggested.

"O.kay" finally, this will get him to leave me the hell alone.

So the game is-


Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!

They shouted together, pulling out their hand play. They repeat that for three more rounds until.


I have fought with plenty, using this same method of game, I have never left without me coming out as the winner. I travel day and night looking for a person who could beat me at it, but found no one, I went through storm and blaze of fire, but found no one. I have even stoop so low, to fight with an ant, monkey, elephant. Even dumb enough to battle with a wall. But still, no one.

So why when I need the win so much.
A person who could beat me. Emerge from it's hiding!!

"This- this did not go as plan. What the hell am I going to do, I was sure enough I could beat him. So how-".

"Ha. Ru. Hi" Eric sings, a large smile on his face as he watched the boy keenly with his arms folded at his chest.

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