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"Hey babe?" I greeted with a kiss on the cheek, before I sat down beside him and place my lunch on the table.

"Hey everyone! Oh Miyako. I almost forgot to ask, have you seen Taehyung, he didn't come to school yesterday and he was absent today as well. Since you are close to him I wonder if you- Miyako?" Before I could finish my question the girl bit her lips and walked away. I gave the others a stare but instead of answering they also ignored me. What's up with them today?

"Baby?" Jungkook called and I shift my sight to him, the thought that was running through my mind escape "Jungkook. Did something happen? Why are you guys so glum" I asked and he looked away like the others did. Anger build up in my chest causing me to slam my hands on the table startling everyone.

"IF SOMETHING IS BOTHERING YOU  SPEAK! DON'T IGNORE ME AND LEFT ME IN THE DARK! I DESERVE TO KNOW AS WELL" I exclaimed, standing from out of my seat. But still no one talk, they all have this dejected yet morose look on their faces. It almost makes me even more anxious than before.


"His parents called me today before I leave to school" he begins and I sat down. "Taehyung?" I asked and he nod. "They told me Taehyung didn't go home yesterday, so they figured he was at my house. Knowing Taehyung he don't like to make others worry, and he mostly don't like to keep things himself. If he have any sort of problem bothering him, he'd asked for help and advices. So for him to do this, is-" my mind was blank for a minute, before Jungkook say anything I quickly shut him up placing my hands over his lips. The two of us locked eye with each other before shifting away.

My heart felt heavy, no wonder I kept having bad feelings, to think something like this would happen to Taehyung. It makes me worry for Miyako. The girl must be in the worst case possible. The usual mood around the table was vanish, like it had never been their. What is happening? Taehyung this is not funny, I don't like this, please tell me it is just a bad  dream, a prank, something to stop this aching pain in my chest.


It had almost been 4 days, and still there was no sign of Taehyung. It was scary, very scary. We all wanted to forget that he was truly gone. But reality is reality, and we have to accept it. Taehyung parents was the most messed up out of all of us, to learn that your child was missing or even abducted was the heightened of stress or depressive episode. I felt so sorry for them and also for Miyako, scratch that, we all were equally as worry as they were. Taehyung was ourvery own close friend, and for this to happen to him was-

Even though the cops said they would send a search party to find him, it's been almost a week and they didn't even found a lead. The feeling was unbearable. The guys begin to think that Taehyung had die an unexpected death, but that I think could not have happen. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawled. Call it instinct as he would say, but I know he is without a doubt alive somewhere. They just need to search more.


I lay between his legs, playing with his fingers. It's been a long time since I have come to Jungkooks place, and this had all happen because I didn't want to be alone today. Somehow, I just wanted comfort, I wanted to be next to him. The feeling of Taehyungs disappearance is frightening. "You'll never know what could happen to you in this world, you could expect it when you least expect it, or you could expect it the most. It all depend on the time and place".

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