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Hello It's author-nim, thank you for giving my story try I really appreciate that and I hope i get more readers in the future. Anyway thank you and comment and vote if you have to. A lot of love and kisses😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Ugh. I'm so exhausted" Jungkook said as he leaned into his office chair. Pushing his long raven hair back before he place his hand on his forehead.

Sigh. I really want to rest right now but I think I'll get cursed at if I take one step through that door. Chuckle. Why does he have to be so strict all the damn time. Crazy old man.

In case your wondering. I'm currently drown in paperwork right now. Now you know what I'll be doing after school, and on weekends when I don't have any school.

And if you want to know why my father is being like this, or if he's a bitch. Then your half correct. He is a bitch. But not too much of a bitch. My father is doing this to me because I miss my curfew. So I am getting punished by doing more paperwork than usual, and have to be finish by 5 in the morning. It's currently after 2 and I'm not even close to finishing yet. It's like every second I distract myself from these monstrous amount of papers and went to do it again, it multiply. Stupid old man ugh.

It's not that I wanted to, I needed to if I'm going to take over the family's business. If your thinking that my father's business is very famous. Then the answer is yes. It is. My father is the chairman and CEO of Generals Motor Company and soon that title will be given to the next heir of the company. Which will be me. My older twin brother Jeonhoon was supposed to be the next heir but he refused. So now it's passed on to me.

Two and a half hours have passed and I am almost finished with the paperwork. I felt my eyes closing every now and then and my head felt like it was going to burst off. Is this what it feels like when your being tortured.

I was writing and reviewing information on the papers just to hear the door burst open revealing the least most annoying person I wanted to see right now.

"Jeon Jungkook why are you up so late" my father asked looking at me with a questionable face.

Is he dumb. I didn't have the energy to give a mean comeback so I just ignore him and went back to finishing my work.

"Jeon Jungkook listen when your old man speak will you" he complains walking up to me.

I sighed lifting my head up from my work. "Look here pops. You were the one who throw me in here and told me not to leave untill all the work is finished by 5" I said giving him a bored look as he responds with sorry eyes.

"Oh yeah. I totally forgot" he nervously chuckled. "Work hard and make sure you get enough sleep. Your health is important to me after all" he advices as he slowly went to whispered in my ears "and hurry and get yourself a chick will you" he joked, running out with a stupid grin on his face; dodging the office cup that I throw at him as it fall and shattered into pieces.

"Make sure you clean that!" He shouted through the door crack.

Damn he's going to be death of me.....


"Jimin honey!".

I heard someone yelled startling me out of my sleep. I groan in annoyance ignoring the voice, trying to find a comfortable spot in my bed to lay.

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