Chapter: 21

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"Miyako is. She is. Wahhhh~" Taehyung sobbed in between, drowning in the deep ocean of sorrow.

"Hey slow down. Could you stop crying and repeat that for me. What happen to Miyako? Is she okay" Jimin interrogated. The weeping boy begins to calm down, cute sniffles escape his nose as both his ears flush in the colour red.

"Yeah, she's okay, It's just-" He manage to speak, but soon after, a new set of muffled cries begin to repeat itself again.

"Taehyung! No....Cry-ing" Jimin enunciated his word slowly as if talking to a five year old; even going as far to make gestures with his hands as he did so.

"Okay" Taehyung whispered, head dropped to the floor.

Sigh. "I'll wait until you are ready to speak" Jimin suggested, recomposing himself in his seat to a comfortable position.

"No I'll tell you" he said, eyes gazing up with a soft-sweet smile. "Are you sure?" He laugh slightly at this and nod.

"Alright then, you can start" Jimin encourages.

"Well, it was back in the canteen when you and Jungkook went away. As usual I was in a silly conversation with the guys until Miyako told me she wants to talk. I was confused at first but proceeded to go nonetheless, somewhere away from others to see or hear what was being spoken, well it was a private spot, just before a group of girls approach me and starts to flirt. I know this was important to Miyako, being that she was eager to tell me. But the moment I put it off and ignored her. The hurt in her eyes was just enough for a blind man to see, that leaded her to shout at me and ran away crying" Taehyung finished disappointment deep in his throat.

"I know" he said, "I should have ignored those girls and give her my attention, the moment I choose thoes chicks, I have already let her down. It seems really important to her, no it was important to her. And because I was being so inconsiderate, I hurted her, I'm really awful" he let out a broken laugh but it soon faltered, pulling at his hair roughly, the boy scream curse words at himself. Taehyung hate when the girl is sad, even more when he's the one who caused it. And he couldn't be more frustrated at himself than he actually is.

"Taehyungie- hyung. Do you like Miyako?" Jimin asked making the boy grimace face forged into a sinful smile. "Is it that obvious Jimin?" He smirked, It's funny how fast his mood could change. I rolled my eyes at him, to think I was worried.

"Well. Kind of" Jimin said, landing a tap on his back for reassurance. "So does that mean you like Jungkook now" he teased, fidgeting his brows at me. At that i was quiet, diminish from all movement. Before then, I could have flat down denied it but now- I don't know what is what anymore. I bit at the corner of my lips, totally lost in my thoughts. The question lingered in my mind, consuming me. Do I like him, seriously, the answer is-

"Wait dude. Don't tell me you" Jimin quickly slap him, causing him to groan.

"But bro. Nothing is wrong in liking the guy. If you are worrying about responsibilities, no need to fret. I am sure Jungkook will very much pampered you in every way" he chaffed, fidgeting his brows; again, at me.

Taehyung laugh at the boy ridiculous face. Wiping the invisible tears under his eyes.

"It's true. He would take care of you in the best possible way trust me-".

"Taehyung enough! I didn't say I. Like him" my tone get's lower at each word, It was as if I was forcing myself to not believe. I fan the thought from my mind, slam my hands on the desk before stampeding away.

"Wait I'm sorry. Before you go, could you lend me a hand. Please" he pleads, praying the boy said yes.

Sigh. "Fine. But if you say anything about Jungkook and I, I will smack you so hard your parents feels it from a far. Do you hear me?" Jimin pointed at him, eyes squinted almost closed. Watching the boy robotically nodded. When he confirmed that the boy understand he went back to sit.

"Now then-".


"Dude! Do you hear what happen to Nick" Hoseok barked, enfold his laugh with his hands.

"Yeah man, I give props to that girl for being so brave" Eric added, laughing just as hard as Hoseok was.

"You should have seen how angry he looked. He deserved it, he had what was coming for him" Hoseok ended.

"Who is Nick?" Jimin asked, staring at both of the boys with furrowed brows. Well I am still new to this school so. You can't blame me.

"It's this saga boy who gets with pretty girls, have fun with them and throw them away in the end" Taehyung interjects. Jimin hummed in understanding.

"So the girl, is he one of his prey".

"Yeah apparently" Hoseok replied. Jimin nodded mouth full of rice, in which Jungkook found cute.

"But Jimin, be on guard and don't go near him. I heard that he kidnapped guys like you. Raped them and killed them in the end" Chloe in a wary voice said, hands move spooky in the air. Jimin internally rolled his eyes, paying no attention to the girl risible pretence.

"Hey! You should be scared you know. What if It's true? You could become his next prey" Chloe pouted, and I laugh.

"Is that so. If that happen, I bet Jungkook will save me...Right?" Jimin answered, eyes full of love as he stared at the boy. Jungkook didn't take notice of him, instead he pose a blind eye, as he didn't want to scare the boy off, he liked how secret he was, but hate when it comes to them showing how they truly feels, it was none to zero.

The day was fun and bright to the eyes. As what it seems; but as they say. Don't judge a book by It's cover. In this group of bright young teenager having the time of their life, lies someone who was having the opposite. Someone who was battling with the most beautiful word called love, and, the person who carved that feeling into her heart. The word love, once looking at it. It can be the most beautiful thing in existence. But, it depends on how that word is used. The meaning of love runs very deep, so deep it can slice a person open, if It's only unrequited and never return, so deep that the moment you think, without love there isn't life. Afterall; how could a person lived with no love. How could you enjoy the bright side of life without love, how could you be happy without love. They say that hate is a strong word. But it goes both ways. Love is also a strong word.

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