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                        *JIMIN POV*

"Did you just say you're a boy? how?" He asked. More surprise than before.

"Uhm- because my mother and father did the deeds and give birth to a son" Jimin answered like it was the most stupidest question a person could ask. It's not as if he did any surgery and become a transgender guy. He would never.

"Oh wow. I just-" he said in amazement before pausing a little, staring at me for a while. Analyzing my features and scanning my body from head to toe as if there was a hidden secret to my beauty. After a while he erupt in a whole lot of laughing.

I stared at him for while. " Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No it's just so surprising to think that you're actually a boy. I mean you could make even the most hottest girl's jealous. Your really beautiful for a guy. Like really beautiful" he compliments looking deep within my eyes causing my face to suddenly heat up due to embarrassment. I cough to clear my throat, trying to let him not see my crimson red face. "Ah- thanks for the flattering remarks".

" I - actually. I didn't get your name before" I said trying to ease the awkward silence.

" Oh your right. Taehyung, Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you-" he politely reply as he reach out his hand for a shake.

" Jimin. Park Jimin" I rhetorically accept his hand.

Taehyung chuckled.

" what is wrong now?" Jimin exasperatedly put forward as the boy shook his head. " No, nothing. Well, see you around or in class hopefully. Maybe we can be friends" Taehyung said, pulling his hands from out of the latter's hold.

"Yeah. I would love that" Jimin retort, a smile reaching his eyes. This cause taehyung to react to him with a smile too before waving to a goodbye.

Jimin sighed watching the boy disappear from out of his sight. And with a deep breath he knock on the door twice, opening it when he heard a low come in. He then enter his self, stopping right infront of the large wide desk with piles of papers. He looked passed the maroon coloured desk to see a very handsome buildted man smiling at him with his hands folded at his chin.

" So your Mr Park right" he said breaking the silence.

"Yes. I'm here to ask if you could show me where I have my classes".

He chortle "Sure, just give me a minute" he said breaking his gaze from me before opening a drawer, taking out a paper that was suppose to have my classes and teacher's on it.
He pass the paper to me and I accept it from him.

" There you go, and by the way you can call me Mr Kim. Your class would be right around the corner, you can also check the information on the paper you have receive to know your classes" he inform seeing me off.

" Okay. Thank you Mr Kim" I bowed my head standing at the office doorway.

"No problem Mr Park" he return in to his place of work, shutting the door In the process.

I get going, heading to my appointed class; following the instruction Mr Kim just told me until I found myself standing infront of a chestnut colour door that have a golden sign written in the word " class 10H" in strip writing.

I swallow my nervousness, making sure my heart was beating at a normal pace before giving a short knock on the door. I waited for a few seconds for the door to open but when I think I waited long enough I porceeded to knock again. Although, I think I didn't have to, due to the fact that the door open before I could even stretched my hand to reach it. It slowly unlactched it self revealing a very well formed man with broad shoulders standing behind it; having on the most gorgeous smile.

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