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"Jungkook!" Eric and Haruhi exclaimed, bursting through the classroom door breathing hard, ignoring the teacher who was scolding at them along with the weird stares emitted by the students, as they rush towards the young boy who looked somewhat surprise at the sudden action.

"We need you now" Haruhi bellowed in a desperate tone.

"As you can see I am busy right no-".

"Do you think we give a shit about that! It's Jimin" Eric cut in knowing Jungkook won't hesitate if It's him. Jungkook expression turns dark when he heard the boy mention his crush.

"What happen".

"Enough of that, we need to go" Haruhi stresses saying the same sentence again and the three of them sped of still ignoring the scoldings from the poor teacher.


"He's here guys" Eric declared as all of them finally reached the principals office. Jungkook looked around in shock. There was an angry Jimin being calmed by a worried Miyako and Chloe, and 4 bruised face guys getting the angry stares from an inflamed Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Did you teach them a lesson?" Jungkook starts off with, sending the questions to the guys as he had finally gotten the whole picture of the situation.

"Not yet but I am planning to" Yoongi respond; still sending his piercing glares to the culprit.

"Well Jimin did let them have piece of his fist" Taehyung shrugged out "although I wished it was me who did it".

"They think they could have harassed Jimin without paying for it" Jimin barked referring to himself in a third person. "Who do they think they are!" He rolled his eyes at the 4 beat up face guys. Jungkook eyes go red when he heard what he said. He couldn't believe it, harassed! His Jimin!

"Mr Kim aren't you going to say anything? Jimin is lucky you know, if it wasn't for his unknown strength, he would have looses his v-line, who know what could happen if we don't teach them a proper lesson" Yoongi retorts.

"You don't need to worry. I gave them 2 month suspension. And I supposed your parents would be here in just a minute" Mr Kim averred, glancing at the students who gave a short amount of nods, as they held there head in guilt.

Sigh. "I'm really sorry Jimin, I will make sure this will never happen again" the principal says, showing his dimple "and these guys too when there parents get here" the students trembled at the thought of there parents hearing what they have done. Or almost done, they thought they would have gotten away with it. But turns out that god doesn't love them.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook queries in a soft spoken voice, making it as pleasant and sweet-sounding as possible. Jimin blushed at how caring Jungkook is. "Yeah" he answered, trying not to gaze into the boy eyes. Fraughting to block the thought of how close Jungkook was to him.

"Hmmm mhm mhm mhm" the snickering sound of a half-supperesed laugh, coming from his friends who was watching from a far. "Someones being bashful. How refreshing" Eric flout at Jimin who scoff at him in respond.

Jungkook smiled at his friends troubling the poor boy. He looked to his right seeing the 4 beat up face boys and he didn't miss this chance to have a wonderful chat with them.

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