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"Yow"  Eric said, greeting Taehyung with a bro fist before sitting into his seat. After a long healthy weekend;
everyone was back to their habitual behaviour. Taehyung was back in his Jubilation mood and Miyako has been going to school regularly. But what everyone thought that was doubly unexpected from the four of them; was the anomalous feelings they have been receiving. Especially, Which was mostly coming from Jimin and Jungkook.

"Before you start with your lame overrated excuses, first, tell me why you weren't answering my damn phone calls", Chloe declared slamming the tray of food in front of the girl. Her face showing how pissed she is.

"Do you know how worried I was!" Miyako looked away with guilt eating her inside. Of course she shouldn't have ignore her best friend calls, but not all the time she wants to talk to someone. She was in a deep state of mind, and wanted to be alone to gather her feelings.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again. Will you forgive me" she pouted, giving her best puppy eyes to warp the girl into her scheme. Bowing to her defeat, Chloe choose to cast the problem away and forgive her.

"Okay, but next time if you are going through shit, come to me. That's what best friends are for, aren't we, we tell each other everything. Whether good or bad. I'll always be here to comfort you if your going through hard times Mi".

Miyako smile, nodding her head with a yes. "Thanks Chloe".

"Okay forget everything. Are you and Taehyung dating!" Miyako choked on her saliva, before shifting her eyes away from her friend. "I- yeah we are"  She whispered but Chloe heard.

"Hehehe I guess that, Eric you owe me you loser berry! Cough it up jerk face" Chloe Chuckled out, doing her victory dance as she take money from the groaning boy.

"Wait, you bet on us!".

"What about it!", Miyako glared and shooked her head. "Nevermind". She said, thinking that it won't do any good to try and argue about it.

"So I guess you two are dating as well" Chloe pointed out.

"Please, Jimin and Jungkook dating. I don't think that will happen anytime so-".

"More or likely, yeah", Jimin answered; indifferent to the topic.

"And I think that's another 500won" Chloe cheered, draining Hoseok pocket.

"You guys are despicable!".

"YEAH WHATEVER", The trio countered, instantly shutting the girl up.


The brown hair boy bang the chair into the wall, screaming from anger; trashing everything in sight. Face contorted into a snarl and fuming at the sight of the picture he was presented with.

"How dear he. HOW DEAR HE!" He choked and fling the lamp off the table stand watching it smash into pieces, blood dripping from his hand due to the impact.

"YOU!", he pointed at the man; voice cracking in between.

"Yes sir!" The man timidly answer, gulping from getting abuse again. The last person boss had let his anger out on  died from blood aspiration and fractures of long bones, the man right now was trembling in fear, not wanting to be in the same state as them.

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