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It's finally Christmas yet I am not happy at all. The course of life felt like it was moving slow, and so was my response to Jungkook.



"Did you know how long I've been calling you. Are you still thinking about Taehyung again? I told you he will be fine, they will find him" he said and begin to ruffled my hair.

"Hey! I just fix that!" I shouted and he laugh. We both had finish gotten ready and was leaving the house. I don't know if It's me, but since yesterday I was having this weird feeling that someone was watching me. I shook my head clearing myself from these thoughts, and followed behind Jungkook as he escort me to the car, i went to take my seat and so did he as well. My lips atomatically bit itself out of nervosity, and thus, I begun speaking. "Jungkook-ah" he turned to me at the call of his name. I felt a bit hesitant to tell him, I didn't want him to worry for me, although I felt that way. What good it will bring if I keep this to myself, It will just make our date even more awkward and dull."I-I feel that someone is watching me. U-unless I am being delusional?" I said in more of a question. His brows furrowed as he got from out of the car and starts to search around, after some minute he decided to get back in, seeing that there was no one who was suspiciously eyeing his lover. "I don't see anyone, don't worry okay" he soothingly caressed my hands and I nodded, at that he smiled and then revved the car off to our specified destination.


We make it to the cafe within an hour, and from our observance, there was more people than usual, maybe it's because of the holiday which we are in.

"Rest here, I'll go and order instead" I nodded and proceeded to take a seat. "Fine, I just needed a cup of water" Jungkook landed me a stare full of concerns, his eyes knitted as he frowned at me. "Is something wrong Jimin?". I silently shook my head and looked away, Jungkook decided to not say anything more and with a sigh, he left to get us the drinks.

I don't know what's up with me as well. I felt anxious like something bad is going to happen, and feeling so alert all the time I can't enjoy my date with him. It's frustrating, because I didn't wanted to come. I didn't want him to be disappointed so I kept my mouth shut about canceling the date. A sigh left my lips as I look through the cafe's window. All these thoughts are just stressing me out even more than I am. Without any warning whatsoever, my eyes catch the site of someone.

"Ch-chung-ho" I breath out, what's he doing here. Wait. How does that even bothers me? And ofcourse he must be going out to have fun, It's Christmas after all. Although-

I can't help but feel a bit curious as to whom he might be wating on/ what he might be up to, especially since he hasn't been to class for a very long time. Chung-ho and I may not be that close, but I still consider him as a companion the most, even if our relationship can be confusing at times. I got up from my seat and sneak out of the cafe, making sure that Jungkook didn't spot me cause i know he wouldn't left me see him if he did. Not realizing what a sad mistake i was going to make. I brainelessly followed him, dodging passerbys and hiding behind vending machines and trash can, ignoring people who send me weird stares while doing so. I watch as he turn into a narrowed lane. Not giving it much thought as I do the same. He then make a left and right turn and then stop. I gasp scrambling for somewhere to hide, I spotted a small space between a wall, and before I could hide myself there a loud enough laugh escape his mouth.

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