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"Kim Taehyung you- you think you are funny don't you" Jeonhoon clenched his teeth in anger, and aggressively played with the knife in his hand, he hold the urge to mess the boy up once more. The urge to jam the knife in his chest.

"You really think you are going to get away with any of this. Karma is a fucking bitch Jeonhoon!".

"Shut up! Just shut it! You are getting so fucking annoying!" He screamed, gripping his hair as drools of sweat form on his face. "I don't want to hear any of you talking, do you hear me!".

The boy walked back and forth in circles, he repeated that 3 times before he halt and grin at us. "If you die now, no one will notice.....Not even Jungkook will. I can just hide the evidence....Hahahaha, what a misfortune for you guys" he creepily laugh before he began to approach us.

"Look, Jeonhoon....This is madness!".

"What? You were going to die anyways...Just accept your fate!!" He screamed once more, before he run at us, pointing the pocket knife straight at me.




"I'm almost there! Just 15 minutes or less!".

"Just say you are finish already! Geez", as always Eric complains and now his patience has reach 5% the most. He kept restlessly moving, nervously biting his fingers and wishing for the door to be open. All he wanted, was for his friends to comeback home. He looked over towards Jungkook whoes face was fierce and stern in comparison to his.


"I got it!" Detective Ming exclaimed, catching all of our attention. "Well that was quick. Didn't you say we should wait 15 more minutes?".

"Or less" Detective Ming added with a smile. "Yeah but I didn't expect this less. I guess this is good though" Eric simply replied, gasping when he look through the door. "Okay I am glad the door finally open, but what is this! Some type of Horror room! No! More like a maze!" He shouted, frighten by how dark the place is, and even more stairs to walk that looks like it's never ending.

"Jungkook we should take my poor heart into consideration. I think this is a trap-".

"No! We are going" Jungkook pressured and willingly began to walk down the stairs.

"But Jungkook! I think this leads to our doom, and shouldn't we let the police do this. It's more safer that way, what can a weak fragile being like us do. We are more likely best at drinking coffee and watching from the sidelines; not going on a rescue mission, this is like begging us to be killed! Wait! Who knows what's down there! Jungkook!" Eric called but the boy was too far gone to even heard what he said. With panic attacking his poor weak soul he defeatedly follows the boy after telling Haruhi to stay back.

Officer Kim sigh knowing that It's impossible to stop the kids from going; sends a group of troops; twice the amount to follow them. After all, he doesn't want a bunch of unprotected teenagers to walk around without any protection, that is like purposely inviting yourself to be killed right on the spot. And most of all, even if he tried to stop Jungkook, it wouldn't work being that he is, after all the son of Mr Jeon. Sigh.

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