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"Uhm. I don't know, It's not that I hate you are anything" I answered.

"I see, so can we at least be friends". I smiled at him, how sweet he want us to be friends.

"If you want us to be friends you have to buy me another ice-cream" he said throwing me off. I can live with that, I thought, I guess Taehyung plan worked afterall. I gave him a chuckled like smirk as we both stand and went to buy his cream.

When we fulfilled the work we both went to take a walk. This makes me really warm.

"Jimin" I called.

"If It's okay. You wouldn't mind us doing this again" I hesitantly asked, worried he might not agreed but instead he smiled and walked off. Is that a yes. Not thinking about it much, I ran to catch him up taking that so called answer in the affirmative.

It was really fun hanging out with him. We joked around, hold amazing conversations and tease one another. Well you could just say I tease him. I'd never thought that we would actually hit it off good at first try but we did. The more I spend time with him; he grew so much cuter to me, his smile is just so beautiful, especially his laugh. I really want him.

"You know. I never thought we would get along" he said placing his hand over his plump looking red limps, chuckling.

"Me too" I added, watching him laughing. My expression becomes even softer as my eyes stared at him with love.

I couldn't stop looking at him. It's always like this, I  get lost in his eyes and he would catch me doing just that. It wasn't long untill he did too. I watch how his gaze go down to my lips. How strange, with amusement I decided to play with him a little. I move towards him leaving no words for personal space. I brought my hands to his soft fluffy cheeks, moving it up so our gaze meet. I licked my lips at him and he blushes a plain red.

"You looked beautiful Jimin" i said my voice coming out breathy and silk  like. His now plain like red was deep. Seeing such reaction I felt proud and big. I removed my hands from him.

"Let's go. It's getting pretty late" the both of us went into the car. The ride was quiet, no one dear to say anything. Somehow I think I make our relationship awkward again. But who says I'm complaining. This is just part of the first step towards my plan. snickered.

The ride ended. The both of us leave out of the car. I saw Jimin approaching my side. He looked like he wanted to tell me something, and that dark coloured blush didn't lessen one bit.

"Uh. I- the thing is I- I" he was struggling real bad. Feeling a bit sorry for him I decided to help him out.

"Today was fun. You should get some sleep okay. Besides you don't want your favourite hyung or maybe Jung-heaven to teased you about your cheeks now" I said using his new nickname that I heard a while back from him. Seriously, what's up with thoes weird names.

"Whatever. And who says you're my favorite Hyung. I only know my soulmate Taehyung" he sassed and I didn't like what he had just said. That damn Taehyung how can he favoured him more over me.

"Fine. I'll see you around" I moped out. He is such a killjoy. I heard giggles coming from him but I  wouldn't care less of it.

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