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"Jiminie~" Taemin kept whinning for the thousandth of time. And at this point in life Jimin thought that he would definitely not shut the hell up.

"What is wrong Tae" I finally asked, observing through the wide length mirror at my friend who have been sending me his scary ass glares for the past fifteen minutes. The day had finally arrived, I was going on a date with Jungkook, and Taemin didn't like any bit of it, he thought that it would shorten his time with me. Which is true but still, he should know this is a once in a life time thing. Not really~ but still!!!

"It won't be for too long Taemin. After this you can spend all the time in the world with me" I said but he was still furious, he looks like an angry pikachu. Hahaha how cute.

"But. You have school" he kept moping. "You can come at my school though, how about it" I cheered and he rolled his eyes.

"You know what! your so mindlessly dumb it's suffocating" he slanders, "after all I've been through, coming here to have fun, just to get away from those stressful works. Yet. You want to send me back into that hell hole in prison. How great of a friend you are Jimin! how great!" he embellished.

"Oh geez. Come on Taemin, stop making a drama out of a crisis and lighten up. I told you I won't be for too long. It's just a fun time together and I'm coming straight home to have fun with you once we are finish. We can go watch movies, eat, watch movies and play games and also, we haven't finish watching that anime One Piece. Right?" I try to cheer him up "and- to add more impact. You said you want that new video game console right. If you behave like a good boy I will buy that new and improve PS5 for yah when it's release" I bribed and he took it because right now he's here rejoicing on my bed. I laughed and went back to do my finishing touch. My shinny lip was glossy pink, along with my Soft inviting blush cheeks. Letting out my wrapped up curly hair, as it flops on my back in a ponytail.

"Now tell me Tae Tae" I said as I stand up holding two of my outfits which I can't decide between"Classy or Casual" I asked and he smile "Casual. It's the best" feeling satisfied by what he chose I went to put on my clothes.


I Head out in my black Mercedes-Benz. Wearing a long white Tank-top, covered by a light blue denim jacket, with the perfect size black cut jeans. My sliver chain was lengthy to my mid-chest, with my black shade and wrist band. My hair was flawlessly gelled. And my shoes was of a not so expensive brand, a white 'Nike Air Max'. I have arrived at Jimin house in less than an hour. Using the car horn to signal him that I was here, and soon after I saw the front door of his house open, revealing him talking with a stranger I haven't seen before. I stepped out of my car to greet him, he looked so ethereal, a being that is not from this world, but a world unknown from mankind's. His red hooded pullover reaches his mid-thigh, with his sleeve folded at his elbow. His white pants was always known to reveal how thick he was, especially that powerful meat of a butt. Not to mention that thigh and kissable sparkly lips. I can see that he loves timberland. His hair set into a curly ponytail is my absolute favorite as of now. I think my friend down there might rise if I stare at him any longer.

When he was finish chatting, I watch his every movement. That loving smile he place on as he approaches me and the way that he cutely plays with his fingers. "Hey" I hailed and he gave me a short glance before looking away. Now this is why I have found him very much appealing. Full of excitement and a longing to know him lots. His personality and that reaction he has at every occasions encourages me more, to know and understand him. His voice was so soft I could have sworn, if I wasn't too great at listening I wouldn't have heard him responding with a 'hi'. There are times when he is ruthlessly flirty, seducing me in many ways possible, and there are times when he is valiant, very bold in his way of speaking. Now at this moment, he became, somewhat...reticent-

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