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"It hurts so bad!",  Jimin cried out. Doing it for the first time, Jimin found out the next morning, the after effects of losing your virginity. The throbbing pain in his hips and butt was killing him. Although he was slowly dying. Jimin would be lying if he said that day wasn't the best one yet. He would trade all of his soul just for Jungkook to hold him in bed again. The boy was an expert, so who wouldn't want to. Jimin couldn't forget how he was treated that night, the gentle touch of Jungkook hands over my body was still giving me butterflies, the soft kisses and his breath hitting my skin. His deep and silky voice in my ears. Everything felt like a dream.

Even so, thinking about how good it was, isn't going to make the pain go away. Sigh. I struggled to the bathroom like an injured penguin. Every step I took, felt like a sharp knife through my pelvis. I hurriedly try to shower and get ready. Wearing my baby turtle neck sweater, a denim pants and a combat boot. Styling my hair loose with bangs, and give one last look at my appearance before I leave my room.


"Mom!" I shouted sauntering down the stairs. Once I heard the stamping of feet, and the familiar humming of a song. A smile took over my lips knowing it was definitely her.

"Good morning!" I went over and place a kiss on her cheek, in which she returns it.

"Good morning sweety, I saw Jungkook leaving last night. He told me to tell you he loves you, and you should take extra care of your body" Mrs Park chuckled handing a plate full of pancakes to Jimin, Jimin accept it and place it on the dinning table. "I wonder why? Are you sick Jimin".

"No. Haha- I wonder why he says that as well mom" I respond, feeling the awkwardness in the air. "A-anyways, we should talk about something else. Right" I changed the subject, putting my mom to sit in the chair, and after, I went to find my seat as well. I took a big bite of the pancake, stuffing my mouth with food. Like a starved dog i continue to eat the rest, not realizing my action, until I saw my mom landing me a stare full of concerns and worries for her child.

"W-what?" I answered with food packing my mouth.

"Are you okay honey? Your acting quite strange". I forced myself to swallow the food, almost choking before I take a big gulp of the juice.

"I am fine, nothing to worry about. Anyway I should leave, take care! bye!" I gave her another kiss and rush out of the house, ignoring the pain I thought would have gone already.

"Okay honey, bye! be safe!" Mrs Park shouted back before she hear the hard slam of the door. "What a strange kid".


"That woman, scarying me like that" I mumbled, entering the school ground with my weird walking. I really don't think I'll be getting use to this anytime soon-

"Hey! Munchkin!" I didn't even bother looking around and instead carry on with my stroll. It's a waste of my precious little time to answer a pathetic nobody.

"Hey wait up! I know we went off on the wrong foot, but, can we be friends. I promise I won't flirt and tease you anymore. And I'll respect that you have a boyfriend. It's my bad, so, will you forgive me" Chung-ho asked, praying for the boy to accept. Jimin send a doubtful look his way, thinking that maybe this is some kind of a bad joke. After some second he finally reach his decision and gave his honest replied to that.

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