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"Good morning class, today we'll be having a new student" Mr Kim announced in which all the children's began to hoot, some wishing that it's a handsome boy, and others that it is a sexy chick.

The teacher continues to speak "you can come in now" Mr Kim said, following with "and introduce yourself to the class", the boy step in causing everyone words to stop at their throat. The girls began to go crazy staring the boy down, praying that they would be the lucky one to have the handsome boy sitting beside them. The new student has black hair and blue eyes, he has chiselled features of a male model and was heavily built. Although he was good looking, he was definitely nowhere near to my boyfriend level of handsomeness, and that's straight up facts.

"Hello, my name is Fei Chung-ho. I am 16 and Chinese, and I came from Beijing" He said ending it with a good gigantic smile, causing the girls to melt in their seat and the males to boil in anger.

"Okay, Chung-ho. You can take a seat next to-".

"Him!" He cut, pointing his fingers towards me. My head shot up from my seat, with desperation I raised my hand, indicating to the teacher that I wanted to object.

"Mr Kim, this seat is already taken" I declared, sending the boy a glare in which he mischievously crooked a smile, and slowly marched over. I don't know what's up with this boys cloud of strange aura or presence, but somehow I disliked him already. And that prove my point when he casually picked the boy up from beside me, and flung him out of the seat. This action surprises everyone, but he didn't looked the least bit interested, as he arrogantly, with a smile sat in the chair.

"What the hell was that! I swore I told you that the seat was occupied!" I furiously whispered, but he kept his stupid smile on his face as if he was dumb enough to not understand what I had just said.

"I just found you attractive, and want to know you better" he flirted catching me off guard. Chewing at the inside of my lip, I found myself trying not to barf in my mouth.

"Sorry to burst your imaginative bubble, but I already got a man and I wouldn't dear leave him for any thirsty bitches like you" I sneered before angrily looking away from him. Tch, pisses me off. He literally just got here, what a damn creep. I thought before I shift my eyes towards Mr Kim who was looking at us shockingly, along with the whole class. I began to rolled my eyes at the situation, praying that this class would end quickly.

"A-anyways. We'll be revising on some fundamental quantities and derived units. Please turn to page 23".


Thinking that the boy would have some decency and actually leave me alone when I told him I was taken. But man was I wrong. The hell was just beginning.

"Stop staring at me. You are creeping me out" I whispered with a glare.

"If you really want that, then stop being so god damn attractive" he ragged on, throwing me a wink. I groan at his annoying attempt of flirting with me and looked away, pinching the bridge of my nose to ease the growing pain in my head.


"So what's up with you and that new guy, the two of you be sending death stares towards eachother" Taehyung asked, as the both of us straddle to the canteen.

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