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I watch as he introduces his self to me, the tone of his voice was out of the ordinary, sending cold chills throughout my body, Feeling a bit uneasy by his actions I recoiled my hand back and quickly move towards Jungkook. I don't know if it's me, but something about Jeonhoon throws me off. His smile curved forcingly, showing how creepy it looks, and his face was grinch in anger as if my presence alone was aggravating him. Just this shows how much he dislikes me or maybe even more, but what did i do, i didn't even know the guy, nevertheless knows that a twin of Jungkook exist, i would sort out things with him, but my six sense is never wrong, and right now it's telling me to get my fat ugly ass out of here. Who cares about his anger for me, not my problem, plus I wouldn't want to stick around him any longer.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked with folded arms, he looked a bit annoyed by his brother. Is this some type of siblings fight. I looked over to Jeonhoon who broke down laughing, has he finally gone mad, this first impression I got from him is the worst, he should be ashamed of himself. Why is he behaving like this.

"Let's go Jimin, he needs time to get himself together" Jungkook whispers to me. I didn't answered vocally but silently agreed. He take hold of my wrist and dragged me away leaving the mad man glaring at me. What is wrong with him? Why is he being this way? These questions kept filling my head, and it's only been a minute since I meet the guy yet he already dislike me. Sigh.

I stumbled upon a large room that contains seat that was set accordingly, along with a flat wide screen. Is this a cinema. I shift my gaze to Jungkook, eyes fully wide as he turn towards me and wink. "I guess we will have a fun time together huh. Here" he said as he hand me a pair of 3D glass and take one for his self.

"What are we going to watch" I asked and he shooked his head "anything that is perferable to you is fine by me" I nod my head and think of a movie that the both of us would enjoy together. I know!

"Avengers:Endgame" I suggest. I stare at his every movement , watching as he stands from out of his seat and went over to talk to someone. The person looked like the projectionist, he then went to get some food for the both of us, a popcorn and a sprite and went back to sit after handing me my share.

"Put them on" he said, gesturing to the 3D glass. I did what he had commanded me to do and wait for the movie to start. The light's goes off giving a clear view of the show. It's very peaceful here. I thought


"Ugh, I am so bored!" I shouted, my body rolling to different section of the bed. How can the bitch do this to me. Well at least I am getting my Ps5. I jumped off the bed and head down the stairs for some drink. The Orange Juice refresh my mind, I was busy checking some of my text from my friends in America, they were nice people but I don't usually hang with them. It's all about work work work for me, or you could say for my dad. It's not the same back then when I was young wild and free. Well I am young and supposedly free, but not wild anymore. A sound rung through my ears, causing my body to move in action. I went to find that ringing and to my surprised it was the house phone. I answered it to here that familiar voice that always nagged at me to work harder. Yes, my dad.

"Dad?" I said.

"Taemin? Is that you" I bite the inside of my lips out of nervousness, I wondered why my dad choose to call me a week after I arrived here.

"Yes dad. It's me" I whispered, and soon after I released that sentence, he bombarded me with words.

"You need to come home now Son, it's really important. It's your-"he paused for a moment, like he was keeping something from me, a soon to be exposed secret that he knows would hurt me. Why? What's going on? Why does he wants me to come back so soon?

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