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I stood there silently, with much nerves erupting in my head I listen to her. Her voice was shy, a bit anxious as well. Almost making me more anxious for her than myself.

"Taehyung-ah we've been friends since childhood, and ever since I first met you. I always liked you more than just. Boy and girl getting together and play-".

Wait! What!? This is too much for me to take in already. This is so unexpected. Did she find out my feelings for her and is going to reject me. Is she taken already, and is trying to blow me off.

Sigh. I had it coming, Miyako is too good for me anyway. I felt my heart clenched. It's squeezing so tightly in my chest, the pain was so overpowering a tear almost escape my eyes. I'll just take it like a man should. Besides, I already know this was going to happen.

"I wanted us to live side by side cherishing each other. Be more distinct than just being friends. Depending on each other-".

Ehh! Live side by side? Cherishing? More than just friends? This is all so confusing. What is this girl trying to say? It's more hurtful when you dragged your speech out just to get to the rejecting point.

"I love you Tae, I really do. So I hope you could accept my love and be my boyfriend".



This is. Wait, why am I running away?

That was what my mind was saying to me. That was what I first thought of. That was what I was now doing. And that was what i did. I ran, away.

Why did I do it? That is what I wanted to know myself. Miyako, I hurted her once again. Why do I always hurt her? She have the courage to tell me her feelings, and it's not like I did not like her. I did, yet instead of owning up to it. I ran away like the wimp I was.

For the time being I just want to be alone. The velocity of my feet accelerated as I speed up even more, bumping into people as they spit angry words at me. I didn't give too shits, I didn't even apologize. All I did was follow the urge to just ran, ran through the crowds of people in the museum. Please forgive me Miyako.


I couldn't feel my feet. It was numb. I wanted to bury myself alive. My childhood friend, my crush since birth. Rejected me in the most painful way possible. My heart was bruised again, I was crying, so far there wasn't  any tears. It didn't pricked my eyes either. But I knew, I was definitely weeping inside. I-I don't know what to do anymore. I guess I should just accept my faith, it is obviously impossible between us.

I take all the energy I have left, to force myself to walk. Persons stare at me, and that's all because I looked like a lifeless doll. But maybe to them I was a lifeless homeless doll.

I continue my walk. And I had finally reach the exist of the museum. The sun was eye blinding, but not enough to ease this pain in my heart. The birds sounds happy flying by, but there singing just makes me feel worst. I sighed and begin my straddle to-

Where was I going anyway. I don't want to go to the bus. I don't want my friends or others to see me in this state. I don't want to stay by myself and pent on my problems either. Sigh.


Just when I was about to avoid everyone, you just had to show up at the wrong time. Am I just generally unlucky today.

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