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I groan as I smash my left hand on top of the alarm clock to turn it off and sat myself up on the bed. I yawn before I look over at the lamp table. Which was in the design of a grey glass top and steel base; to reach for my phone. I check to see if I got any messages and to my surprise I got 3 text messages from Taemin hyung. I smile to myself and tap the screen to open the messages and read.

" Hey Chim, I really miss you; I hope I could see you again but I have lots of school work to do".

"Hey Chimy, I really hope you're doing fine where you are right now. Your best friend miss your company".

"Ugh. School life is so stressing, I hope you meet new friends. Don't want you to be lonely".

I simper reading the messages before responding. Telling him that I'm fine and I miss him also. That I've met new friends and how much I wanted to see him before placing my phone down and scoot downstairs for a drink.

I saw my mother scrambling to put on her shoes and I couldn't help but give a chucklesome laugh at how much she was fighting the shoes to go on her feet, and almost falling in the process.

"Late huh?" I asked going towards the fridge to grab some water.

"Good morning to you too cutie" she respond finally winning the brawl. I set the glass cup on the kitchen island and greeted my mother with a good morning.

"By the way Taemin text me".

"That's good" she kiss me on the cheek. "Look here honey, I won't be able to bring you to school today so I have Mr. Ferguson to carry you. And I might also be home late again". She said a bit sadly, feeling disappointed.

"That's okay mom. You should hurry and go before you're even more late than now" I proclaim. She smiled mouthing a sorry, kissing me on the cheek once again as she hurriedly head throughout the door.

I went back to shower after drinking another cup of water. After 15 minutes I was finish showering, dripping wet with my hair sticking into my back and my towel neatly wrapped around my waist. I went towards my closet for some clothes. After some minutes I finally choose my choice. I change into a grey long sleeve shirt, white cut jeans pants. A white high top shoes along with a grey beany. My hair was gracefully laid on my mid-back with bangs hiding my forehead.

I went down the stairs straight through the front door. I didn't feel like eating anything. If my mother and Taemin heard me saying that now, they'll instantly think something is wrong with me since I'm known to be a big eater. I enter the car after giving Mr Ferguson a sweet smile before he drove to school.

A hour later I reach. I was really early. Mr Ferguson open the door for me to step out, I give him a thank you and went off. I found myself infront of the familiar commerical glass door which always open for me. For a huge school it's really quiet here, but at lunch time it's never the same. I finally reach my class. Walking to my seat, the first thing I saw was a clam and distracted Taehyung looking through the window at the third floor.

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