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"God damn Taehyung! How could you! My perfect plan!".

This boy dear sit in front of me and tell me that bull crap, well I was the one who have asked for it, but damn. My perfect plan!

I didn't have any words, so my action spoke for me, giving a strong enough slap in the boy's back. No wonder he looked like a half dead zombie.

Sighed, "tomorrow after school, you are visiting that child house. Try to set things straight with her, at the same time you have to confessed as well as give her a gift".

Taehyung was shock.

"No buts! Do you really think that I am going to sit back and let all my hard work and dedication go to waste, it was my first time to resolve a problem and yet it end like that. You damn alien!".

And I was looking forward to it too.

He chuckled, brushing his hair back.
"Whatever you say, you always know what's best mochi boy" he smiled and I rolled my eyes.


I would have went with Taehyung but I have my own problem as well to worry about. I thought my mom idea was great, it would make me and Jungkook get even more closer. We should hang out ofcourse, and to ask him to go on a date would not be hard. It's just any other date with a friend, so it won't be hard. Definitely not-

Just seeing the door makes my heart picked up pace, I am so nervous I can feel the actual word carving into my head, and my palm getting sweaty.

The moment I swallow my fear, was the same time the door flew open and there stood the tall muscled figure. All thoes past fear was flushing to my mind again.

"Isn't the cafeteria the other way?".

I nodded staring him down, the words that left his lip was mute to my ears, observing each and every part of his body and, forgetting the main reason why I was there in the first place.

Jungkook brows furrowed at me and went to fold his arms, he proceeded to move closer to my lug.

"You are staring Jimin" he whispered, voice silky and deep like the bottomless sea, it alone was enough to sway my heart away and make my mind went into a frenzy.

"Were you here to see me?" He asked, slowly moving Jimin towards the wall, his hands travelled up from Jimin thigh to his butt, groping it making him groan.

"W-what are you doing J-Jungkook?", the male smirk, grazing his fingers over Jimins lip and went down to his neck, blowing soft breath at it, the thickling feeling causing him to shivered slightly.

"J-Jungkook what-".
Without getting to finish his words, a pair of soft lips was landed on his, the wet contact causing him to jolt under the boy. His face flush, and mind going crazy, his feet feeling numb not knowing what to do.

"W-w-ait", he managed to say trying to push the latter away. Jungkook groan swatting his hands around his neck, and holding the boy up from his thigh, he smile when he saw that Jimin wasn't struggling to get away anymore, biting on his lip hearing him moan, giving him the chance to put his tounge in. Jimin hands play in Jungkooks hair, he didn't know how it became like this, but he do know the feeling was amazing and he didn't want to let go. It was his second time kissing a person, and from the first he strongly realize how good of a kisser Jungkook really is, it was intoxicating to him but he didn't want to let go.


"Am I the only one thinking this, where the hell is Jungkook? Lunch is almost over and not even Jimin is here as yet". Eric said, eating his kmich with a spoon full of rice.

"And how should we know, I left Jungkook in class telling him I'm leaving first, I as well thought he would be here too". Hoseok frown, drinking his juice.

"I even bought banana milk for the guy, who would have thought it was all going to waste" he said pouting, sending a pitied stare to the drink. The others roll there eyes at him, I mean, no one told Hoseok to buy anything for Jungkook, I bet even Jungkook didn't ask him either.


It's been thirty minutes and the two love birds was still feeding there needs.

"J-Jungkook enough" Jimin breathe out, feeling Jungkook give wet kisses over his neck.

"Hey, stop it we are going to be late because of you. And I am hungry" he continued and in the end succeeded in making the boy break off of him, placing him down, but although he cease to his kissing, he didn't stop  embracing him in the end. This cause Jimin to giggled finding Jungkook cute.

"Hyung-ie, I won't be eating anything if you keep holding me like this" said Jimin but got ignored. Jungkook groan, giving Jimin a kiss on his neck which soon turned to him slurping on it. Jimin moan gripping his hair.

"Jungkook you jerk", he breathe again making the boy smile, when he was finish marking his property, he left a red bruise, and satisfied look he led Jimin to the cafeteria.


"Where the hell were you two!" Hoseok snapped like a mother at their child, face fuming and nose flared. "I even bought you banana milk". He pointed out causing Jungkook to rolled his eyes.

His thoughts far gone, penting on that long make out session both him and Jimin had. He was indeed happy, and he was glad that Jimin had no problem whatsoever; like he did last time. He wasn't ignoring me at all like he use to, which was a win-win for me. It almost forget me to say, the both of us will be going on a date this Sunday.

"Earth to JK are you listening to me you dork! After you have gone for who knows how long you choose to ignore me!".

Hoseok finally calm down. He didn't care if Jungkook was ignoring him, because he was like that since Childhood, notwithstanding the fact that, it did pain me a little.

"What were you saying again hyung", Hoseok tut his lips, glaring at the male whoes face was away from him,  resting his head softly on the desk.

He gritted his teeth as he speak
"Where. Were. You? I. Didn't. See. You. At. Lunch. You. Dork!" he said, enunciating every word slowly.

"But I did Hoseok, you guys Just didn't saw me and Jimin. Oh and I think that belongs to me" Jungkook said and grabbed the banana milk from out of Hoaeok's hands.


His words was cut mid-way once the teacher walks in, giving the boy a middle finger he went to pay his full attention to the board. Gosh I hate chemistry, too deep/complicating to get into.

"Now turn to page 56 on chemical reaction".

Argh my life!

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