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"This seems awkward" J-hope drone, eyes staring back and forth at his friends.

"This air is stifling" Eric muttered.

"Yeah, something about the atmosphere changes. Maybe It's because summer is around the corner" Haruhi said, folding his arms across his chest, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he thought.

"No It's not the weather but-".

The males head shifted towards the culprits who have been watering down there mood.

"That's it! Why are you guys being like this. What happen to you at the trip!" Yoongi shouted. Tired of seeing this ugly view. This is so unlike them, Jimin is being really strange and every 3 minute spacing out. Jungkook who is quiet. Uhm forget that, his habits never changes. Megumi who is all about school, NOT at school and Taehyung who's face says it all. He definitely gave up on life.

"You people~" J-hope whined, a visible pout rest on his face.

"Ew, you ugly" Yoongi face twisted in disgust.

"Your just jealous because i look cuter than you" J-hope shot back defensively, winking at his boyfriend who he blushed and looked away.

"Ohhhhhh, so you guys finally seal the deal" Chloe and Eric harmonize, staring at them with a smug looking face. "Take a guess" Hoseok challenge.

"Finally! At least something good happens today" Chloe cheered, gazing over at the gloomy ass of her four friends.



Lunch was over and as usual Jimin was in a daze, walking slowly on his way to his class. He knew that he was acting strange, straight after he and that guy had kiss. Of course, he did love it. But that alone didn't stop him from feeling weird and shy all over. And he knew this was worrying his friends, yet, he can't help it. That was Jimin first kiss, and his first kiss was with someone he was crazy in love with. He didn't know how to deal with this feeling, the feeling of being in love. How do you show it to him, how do lovers act around each other. This is all so sudden, almost frustrating. If someone would mention his name to me, I start to freak out, blabbering nonsensical shit and embarrass myself. If this is what it meant to be in love, I don't like it!

Being drown in thought, Jimin hadn't notice the hallow shape of a person waiting for his arrival.

Jimin halt in his step, he knows that voice anywhere. Why now of all places? Jimin didn't know how to react around the latter, his face was beet red. He hesitantly stared up at the boy, heat rushing from his neck to his face.

"W-wh-wh-wh-why" my incoherent stuttering was interrupted by Jungkook. He moved closer, leaning his forehead against mine.

"What do you mean by why? I wanted to visit my boyfriend. Do I need an excuse for that?" Jungkook said, my mine did a 180 loop before returning to my senses.

"I- I am sure you should be at class Jungkook! Now will you excuse me!" I shouted and took off.

Jimin was well aware of his heart when he is near Jungkook, and It's irritating as hell. Why can't I just talk to him like I did with everyone else. Because of my stupid feelings, I have to be different around him, and because of that I became cold. I don't like it, I can't be comfortable when I am with him, and that's all because of that kiss.

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