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Hello again👋👋 here is chapter:8 of the story, hope you enjoy and vote and comment too😊


It was a very hot sunny day. The guys were getting ready for another stressful and boring day of school, except for one person. Who would have thought that he would be in a better more worse experience than to go to school? Who would have thought that he would be trapped in bed, that he would developed a high fever?

Achoo! Mum-

Shut up! I told you not to stay in the shower too long. But to sleep Jimin-

I slept too late so I was tired-

"Jimin" Mrs Park said as she went over to sat on the bed right beside her son, placing her soft fragile hands on his forehead to check his temperature. She couldn't help but thought how cute he looked. Half of his head was covered under the sheet, his pink disheveled hair, and his red hot cheeks, showing more of his pouty lips.

"Aish! your temperature is rising, and I won't be able to take care of you" Mrs Park said looking rather crestfallen. Jimin could see the disappointment itching through her face finally being on display. One thing he is very much not good at is comforting people, but if it is his mom so be it; he'll atlest try to calm her down.

"Mom you don't have to beat yourself up over silly things like this; I understand that you are busy so you can just hierd a mai-".

"Shut up you silly boy! We both know you are not good at it so don't even try" she replied cutting Jimin off who was very well pouting at the disrespect, after he tried so hard to comfort her she went and downgrade his ability like that. So supportive, hm! "I want to be able to take care of my own son. So in doing that I will tell my secretary that I won't be able to come to work today. She will take over for me. Now rest, okay my child" Mrs Park implied voice full of care as she kept caressing  her son head, placing a small peck on his chin, before making her way through the door.


"Such a worriedwart". Sigh. I guess I won't be able to go to school. I would be happy but. I hate getting sick. Argh. And I won't be able to-

Jimin began to complain and suddenly; a glimpse of a picture with Jungkook and his signature sexy smirk flash through his head.

"Aaaah! Why did I think about him!!" Shouted a embarrassly stunned Jimin who kept screaming in his bed. With his body moving to different places he accidentally roll and fall onto the ground.

Mrs Park hearing the loud commotion burst through the door just to see the boy flat on the floor as he groan in pain.....After she felt so worried.

"Why do you always have to be like this strawberry head" she asked shaking her head at the idiot.

"Stop calling me that".

"Nope. Not untill you change your hair colour cutie pie which I highly adore. Now get in bed before I teased you again" she smiled.

Jimin thinking that he should respond didn't, instead he felt himself getting light in his head. He frown at the wired feeling, shifting his hands to eased the aching pain.

"Jimin honey, are you okay?" She quickly went towards her son to place him back in his bed. "I'm going to call the doctor you just rest easy" she went to fetch her phone. She quickly dial the number in before waiting for the call to be connected.

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