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"Hey Jungkook" I said, making sure I didn't stammered, gulping down the feeling of trepidation as I began to speak "How did you even get my number" I asked, and he chuckled. I didn't notice how much I love his laugh. The motion of that is always so attractive and so-seducing in a way.

"I have my ways" he implied.

"Jungkook?" I groan, voice lost of it's colour, showing how much I am not here for his silly acts.

"Okay okay. I was jealous of you only having Taehyung's number so I asked him and he gave me. You better save it in your phone, okay sweety" he said. Why am I not surprised that it was Taehyung. I cleared my throat from the thought that he didn't just pronouced sweety in the most hottest way ever, before asking him the the question I should've asked seconds ago.

"Is that so. But why did you called?".

"Well....I just wanted to hear your voice. Can't I not?" I rolled my eyes at what he said, I bet he's putting on that silly smile, thinking that he just nailed it with that soft-spoken words. But I can't deny that it didn't make my heart jump. "Jungkook enough".

"What? I know you love it when I flirt with you sexy" he started again and I couldn't help but blush.

"L-like hell I do. Stop being so contradicting, you think you will make me head over heels for you with such lame trifles word. Keep deluding yourself" I declared untrue, covering my deep red face. How dear he. This guy.

"Yeah right" he mumbled but I didn't catch it.


"Nothing, Nothing. Anyway. I was wondering if you would like to spend some time over?" he asked and I straight away accept.

"that was quick" he state playfully. "When will you be available" and I take a breath for a moment, thinking on an appointed date.

"Let see~ maybe this sunday" I concluded and he hummed in understanding.

"Fine then. I'll see you then Ji-mi-nie" he dragged out and I blushed and ended the call. I felt really suffocated. Man he's too much.

"Is that your boyfriend or something" I heard my friend said with a smirk.

"No you dumbzo. Have you ever seen me with one, or asked for any. Besides you know I love my single life better" I declared but he kept looking at me with an expression saying he didn't buy it one bit.

"Taemin" I whined and he laugh. We got up from the bed and went straight into the living room. I went to take two bottles of water from the fridge. I handed him his and sat down in the couch drinking mine, feeling myself being refreshed.

"Tae-Tae hyung" I called, watching him finished his liquid before turning to me.

"Do you want to catch up on some game" I smirked and he did the same.

"Oh hell yeah! and your definitely going down!" he challenge and I snickered.

"Keep telling yourself that buddy" I joked.

"I will bitch!"

"I know bitch!" and the two of us just burst out laughing. We began playing the game after it was connected to the television.

(JIKOOK) - THE HOT GUY AND MEWhere stories live. Discover now