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Three days have passed and my fever had depleted. My dear mother had been so kind to me she even skip the work she was so dedicated to, to treat me. My friends even came to visit me once in a while and that's all it takes to make me happy. Except when they teased me about JK. Like it will never happen. NEVER!

Today is Thursday. I was in a very bad situation where I am pleading to my mother to let me go to school. She told me that I don't have to go but I was bored out of my wits, as much as school is boring my house is 10 times boring as well. And as much as I hate that prison of torture, I get to meet my friends who only came for an hour or less and leave.

After I finally get my feelings through to her, I was at the dining table eating my cereal and bread. I then finish getting change and head out to my school.

I went in my class where I saw Taehyung reading a book.

"Hey Tk". With the sound of my voice, his head face my direction so fast he surprised me as well, holding a big smile. "Jiminie!" he exclaimed and went to hug me.

"Man I'm so glad your here. I thought you weren't coming back until next week".

"Well. Yeah, but I miss you guys. And I was bored at home".

"That makes both of us. Don't you see what I have to use to distract myself from being bored?" Taehyung asked, as he fake cry.

"Uhm-Reading a book?" I answered wondering what that has to do with anything.

"Yes! And I never read books. If you know me Jimin there is no way I'll sit down and read books for fun. No way! I rather die than to read books" Taehyung exaggerated which had me in laughs.

We sat down and chat until the bell rung. After a while the form teacher of our class entered, shouting at the students to take there seat and be quiet. It looks like he was about to announce something.

"Students I have an announcement" Mr Kim begins. "We will be going on a trip" he said as everyone began cheering.

"But!" He continues again making them listening keenly. "The class will be grouped with 10I" and everyone started to groan. " That's not all. The trip will be the end of next month" this have everyone moment ruin even further.

"What! But teach the end of next month is too far away" a boy whined

"Well that's too bad" Mr Kim replied, and with that he went to teach again, blocking the sounds of disapproval from from his ears.

"A trip huh".

"You're going right. Besides all the guys will be there" asked Taehyung. I was going to agree but reality hit me hard in the gut. All of us. Which mean. Jung-heaven will be there. I can just ignore him. It won't be that hard right? Plus who would want to miss a fun trip, and I already have enough of school work, test and assignments.



"Are you going are not?" He asked again. "Sure why not" I approved.

"Yes! that settled it then".


It's finally lunch time and I couldn't be anymore happier than to just see, smell and taste the edible solids present to us from none other than the canteen.

"Yow Jimin is back!" Taehyung instigate.

"Finally" Miyako enraptured, standing up to give Jimin a warm hug.

"Oooh bun. I like it" Chloe accolade, looking at my neatly set hair. It was the first at this school that I ever worn my hair like this. It is usually let out with my bangs but now It's in a bun and as usual. With bangs.

"Yeah thanks" I said gleefully like a dog with two tails.

"Good thing that you were here because someone was being moody as hell. And It's suffocating" J-hope said thinking about the petrifying stares he got when speaking to the boy a while back. with the absent of Jimin Jungkook is really eerie. He could still feel the chill down his spine.

I looked towards Jungkook direction. Watching every move of how cute he was eating his lunch. Almost like a bunny munching on his carrot. My heart always does this crazy move in my chest. Skipping and beating fast.

"Are you guys coming on the trip?" Taehyung asked and they nod. "I have to get new clothes though" Chloe implied.

"Why? Don't you already have enough clothes?" I asked in which Chloe and Miyako gave me the eye. Did I asked something I shouldn't have  asked?

"Girl's will be girls" mocked Eric as he was presented with a hard hit in his back from both the females, making his juice spilled and soak his pants.

"You. Are. Finish" and the three  of them run off to there business.

"Chloe! Miyako! You're going to pay dearly! Do you hear me!" Shouted Eric running after the girls. We all laugh at the silly act. Sigh. This again if it ain't Jung-heaven staring at me I don't know who it is.

"Do you have something to say to me?" I questioned.

"No It's nothing you just look beautiful today. You should wear your hair like that often, it suits you best" he  acclaimed with honeyed words. I stared at him blankly, did he just. Flirt with me. I thought hearing oohing and whistling from behind.

"He did it".

"Someone just get flirted at~ by none other than Jeon-Jung-kook" Taehyung and Haruhi tone changes as they chimed in a sing-song voice.

"Could someone pass a tennis racket and a base ball bat. It is urgent" Jimin whispered darkly, glaring at both of the boys who nervously looked away, with sweat dripping from their faces.

"I guess we'll both leave then. R-right Haruhi?" Stuttered Taehyung in a frighten tone. "Yeah" and the two of them speedly walked away".

Sigh. This Jung-heaven is going to be the death of me.

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