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Jungkook was beyond surprise, No he wasn't just surprise. It was a mix of emotions that run through his head, confusion, anger, disgust, revelation, contempt/hatred. The shock of founding out the unknown truth about your own brother; flesh and blood.....

I stood there frozen, watching how my own brother, pointed a gun right at my lover and....My friend, our friend....The one we use to play with when we were a child.....I felt betrayed, and that alone makes my eyes see red; hooded as I glared straight at him. My lips becoming narrowed and thin, as my eyebrows draw in together. He knew from the quell look that I was giving him, that he messed up real bad. Everything was telling me to end him, I never once consider that he was my brother. I was too aggrieved to even be reminded about that.

The police without hesitating started to surround him, pointing there guns back as a warning sign to put his down.

"Kook-ah......I can explain". He crooked with tears flooding from his eyes, but I wasn't swayed at all. This manipulative fucker as gone too far.


"Are you forgetting the situation you are in Park Jimin? Say even one word and I won't hesitate to shoot, this goes both ways" he spit with venom as he gave Taehyung a glare which urge caution.

The boys know that he legit meant it, due to how profound he was they dear not move an inch, mouth shut as they obediently watch him. The pain in Jimin's legs was no joke, he was surprise how he was able to stay conscious for so long. And he gave props to himself for being so strong-will. He felt the immense amount of blood wasted from his body, as his skin tone becomes paler and paler because of it. He wanted to sleep, he was tired and weak. And soon his breathing began to pick up, Taehyung who was right beside him saw how bad in shape he looks. And he was so dejected being unable to do anything about it.

"Ohhhh- is something wrong Jimin, you don't look so good" Jeonhoon cackle, but the boy who was busy trying to go through his weak phase pay him no attention. The sweat form little by little, and his body and mind was on the verge of shutting down. His breathing was coarse; out of control and his heart rate was slowing down. The sight was heartbreaking for just about anyone, but for Jeonhoon he was  so glad witnessing such an action.

"Jeonhoon, please, Jimin needs medical treatment...He-". Taehyung words was cut short from the baleful laugh of the boy. "Why should I help him?? He's just making my work even more easier, if he is dying then he should just die" he choked as he laugh again, the gun still pointed in there faces. "It's just your turn to die now Taehyung, isn't this fun" his face grimace, as if form a nefarious scowl. His fingers was about to press the trigger then-

The door pulled open showing the man he long to see, but what he saw behind him gave him a great amount of fright, almost 50-100 of officers behind him. And the gaze he was getting from his lover was enough to make him have nightmares for days, his hands fall to the floor when he was surrounded with guns now pointed at him.

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